Welcome to Grablink Duo mini-site


What's new in Grablink Duo?

Added Trigger to Line Latency Compensation topic
Revised Image Limits topic

See also: eGrabber Release Notes on the main site


This mini-site is dedicated to Grablink Duo and its accessories.

Refer to the Getting Started section for instructions to setup Grablink Duo.
Refer to the Functional Guide section for an exhaustive functional description of Grablink Duo and its accessories.
Refer to the Hardware Manual section for mechanical, electrical and environmental specifications of Grablink Duo and its accessories.
Refer to the GenApi Features section for a reference manual of the GenApi features exposed by grablink.cti for Grablink Duo.
In the Resources section, refer to:
The Product and Firmware Selector for an interactive data table to view all the essential features of all the firmware variants of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers.
The Camera Link Tap Configuration and Tap Geometry Selector for an interactive data table to view all the Camera Link tap configuration and geometries supported by Grablink series of Camera Link frame grabbers.
The Product Properties Sheets of each product.

Change site

Products list

Product code and name Icon PPS
1628 Grablink Duo
1625 DB25F I/O Adapter Cable
1636 InterPC C2C-Link Adapter
3303 C2C-Link Ribbon Cable
3304 HD26F I/O Adapter Cable
3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422
3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422