eGrabber Recorder Reference
(C++ API)

Euresys EGrabber Recorder C++ classes that load the library and expose a higher level API. More...


class  RecorderError
 A Recorder error (RECORDER_STATUS) More...
class  UnknownError
class  UnknownParameter
 Unknown parameter error (RECORDER_STATUS_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER) More...
class  InvalidParameterType
 Invalid parameter type error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE) More...
class  InvalidParameterValue
 Invalid parameter value error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE) More...
class  BufferTooSmall
 Buffer too small error (RECORDER_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) More...
class  ParameterIsReadOnly
 Parameter read-only error (RECORDER_STATUS_PARAMETER_IS_READ_ONLY) More...
class  SystemError
class  InvalidContainerPath
 Invalid storage path error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_CONTAINER_PATH) More...
class  DataFileFull
 Data file full error (RECORDER_STATUS_DATA_FILE_FULL) More...
class  OperationNotAllowed
 Operation not allowed error (RECORDER_STATUS_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED) More...
class  IndexOutOfRange
 Index out of range error (RECORDER_STATUS_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE) More...
class  InvalidIndexData
 Invalid index data error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX_DATA) More...
class  InvalidIndexSize
 Invalid index size error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX_SIZE) More...
class  UnsupportedDatabaseVersion
 Unsupported database version error (RECORDER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_DATABASE_VERSION) More...
class  InvalidIndexHeader
 Invalid index header error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX_HEADER) More...
class  InvalidLengthWritten
 Invalid length written error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_LENGTH_WRITTEN) More...
class  NotInitialized
 Not initialized error (RECORDER_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED) More...
class  InvalidHandle
 Invalid handle error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) More...
class  ResourceInUse
 Resource in use error (RECORDER_STATUS_RESOURCE_IN_USE) More...
class  EndOfData
 End of data error (RECORDER_STATUS_END_OF_DATA) More...
class  InvalidArgument
 Invalid argument error (RECORDER_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT) More...
class  NoContainer
 No container in path (RECORDER_STATUS_NO_CONTAINER) More...
class  LicenseManagerError
class  NoLicense
class  ImageConversionError
 Image conversion error (RECORDER_STATUS_IMAGE_CONVERSION_ERROR) More...
class  UnsupportedImageFormatError
 Unsupported image format error (thrown by Recorder::exportImages) More...
class  Aborted
 Operation aborted by the user (thrown by Recorder::exportImages) More...
class  InvalidDataSize
 Invalid data size on reading. More...
class  InvalidChapterCharacter
 An invalid character was used in the chapter name. More...
class  ReservedChapterName
 The chapter name conflicts with a reserved name. More...
class  ChapterNameAlreadyUsed
 The chapter name is already used. More...
class  ChapterNameTooLong
 The chapter name is too long. More...
class  Recorder
 A Recorder object that encapsulates a recorder handle (RECORDER_HANDLE) and exposes higher level recorder functions; the destructor takes care of closing the recorder when the object goes out of scope. More...
class  RecorderLibrary
 A Recorder library object that loads and unloads the Recorder Library and exposes its low-level functions. More...

Detailed Description

Euresys EGrabber Recorder C++ classes that load the library and expose a higher level API.