Modify the Buffer Configuration

Using the advanced buffer setup in the Buffer pane, you can modify the default or current configuration of buffers to be created and allocated during the image acquisition.

Concepts of "replay buffers" and "additional buffers"

The total number of buffers created and allocated in the memory space is divided into "replay buffers" and "additional buffers".

The Replay buffers are retained with their current content in the replay queue.

This makes it possible to replay the last buffers when the acquisition is stopped.

The Additional buffers remain empty and available to receive new content.

This avoids running out of buffers during the acquisition. It is recommended to configure at least 3 additional buffers.

Refer to Buffer allocation process to learn more on how buffers are managed during the acquisition process.

You should dimension the number of additional buffers according to your system as a whole (camera speed, image sizes, PC performance, etc.).

Modify the buffer configuration

Starting from eGrabber24.04, the buffer queue allocation is no longer automatically performed when opening a grabber. This allows to change the configuration before starting the acquisition.

By default, 13 buffers are allocated in memory, of which 10 replay buffers and 3 additional buffers.

You can change the default or current configuration of buffers as follows:

1. Click to open the Buffer pane
2. In the Buffer queue area, click the Advanced setup button.

The Buffer queue area changes to the following display:

3. In the Replay and Additional fields, adapt the requested number of buffers.

Click to get a detailed explanation of your configuration.

4. Click the button Reallocate <xx> buffers to validate the changes and come back to the default area display.

Allocating buffers

The reallocation can be aborted at any time by clicking on the Abort button..