GenTL module that represents a memory buffer. Buffers must be announced to the data stream that will fill them with image data
Defines when and where (in which thread) callback functions are executed. eGrabber supports three callback models named respectively CallbackOnDemand, CallbackSingleThread and CallbackMultiThread.
Acronym for Camera and Illumination Controller
Part of a frame grabber card that controls a camera and its associated illumination devices. Hosted in the device module.
Robust communications link using a dedicated cable connection and a standardized communications protocol. Camera Link is a hardware specification that standardizes the connection between cameras and frame grabbers. It defines a complete interface that includes provisions for data transfer, camera timing, serial communications, and real-time signaling to the camera.
Euresys product series of CoaXPress frame grabbers
Euresys CoaXPress frame grabber
Euresys software driver for Coaxlink cards (superseded by eGrabber driver since release 12.8)
Interface and communication standard for industrial cameras using single or multiple coaxial cables. It supports the asymmetric high-speed transmission of images and related control data. This digital interface standard, hosted by the JIIA (Japan Industrial Imaging Association), has been developed for high-speed image data transmission in machine vision applications. (Source:
Acronym for CoaXPress
Acronym for Common Transport Interface
GenTL producer
GenTL module that handles buffers
Represents the camera component in the frame grabber driver. This is the camera defined in the driver, as opposed to the camera actually connected to the frame grabber (remote device). This corresponds to the GenTL Device module.
GenTL module that contains the frame grabber settings relating to the camera. Parent of the data stream module. Sibling of the remote device.
Euresys frame grabber driven by eGrabber
Euresys software driver for the latest generation of image acquisition products (Coaxlink)
Optional library of eGrabber that provides a universal, hardware-independent access to GigE Vision cameras
Optional library of eGrabber that provides video recording services to hard drives
Acronym for European Machine Vision Association
GenICam standard that deals with camera and frame grabber configuration
Camera or frame grabber feature, defined in a register description. Either a set/get parameter, or a command with side effects.
Camera or frame grabber feature, defined in a register description. Either a set/get parameter, or a command with side effects.
Set of EMVA standards. It consists of GenApi, GenTL, the SFNC and the PFNC.
GenICam standard that deals with data transport. TL stands for Transport Layer.
Software library that implements the GenTL API. File with the cti extension (e.g., coaxlink.cti).
Shortname of eGrabber Gigelink
Euresys product series of Camera Link frame grabbers
Euresys Camera Link frame grabber
Part of eGrabber card that controls digital I/O lines and implements tools such as rate converters, delay lines, etc. Hosted in the interface module.
Numerical identifier used to query a specific piece of information from a GenTL module. Info commands are defined either in the standard GenTL header file, or in a vendor-specific header file (e.g., info commands specific to eGrabber are defined in include/GenTL_v1_5_EuresysCustom.h).
Represents the frame grabber component in the frame grabber driver. This corresponds to the GenTL Interface module.
GenTL module that represents a frame grabber. Parent of the device module.
Acronym for Pixel Format Naming Convention
Short name of eGrabber Recorder
XML file mapping low-level hardware registers to camera or frame grabber features
Camera connected to a frame grabber. The term remote is used to distinguish this from the GenTL device module.
Acronym for Standard Features Naming Convention
Corresponds to the GenTL producer in GenICam (for example coaxlink.cti).
GenTL module that represents the GenTL producer. Also known as TLSystem. Parent of the interface module.
The time at which an event occurs. For Coaxlink, timestamps are always 64-bit integers and are expressed as the number of microseconds that have elapsed since the computer was started.