
  • Area in the Memento application (GUI) that displays a plot of the number of Memento traces recently added to the Memento ring buffer. In other words, this shows the recent activity of the Memento producers.
  • Area in the Memento application (GUI) that displays waveforms representing events and state changes occured over a time frame in selected steps of the image acquisition process.
  • Specific Memento traces that can help users analyze, detect and understand issues during system component discovery and defects during image acquisition. Such traces are displayed in the Analyzer plot.
  • M
  • User interfaces of the Memento system. The Memento application is available in two modes: a "Console" mode allowing users to interact with the Memento system in command line, and the "GUI" mode allowing users to interact with the Memento system via a graphical user interface.
  • 1. Message built by the lightweight macro executed on the Memento producer side and added to the Memento ring buffer. 2. Text information displayed in the Message list of the Memento application. This is more restricted than a Memento trace as it does not cover the graphical representation of a Memento trace.
  • Frame grabber driver and library, or user space application that write event-related or status-related messages to the Memento ring buffer
  • Set of filters allowing users to customize the display of the Memento traces in the Memento application. Formerly called "Highlighting filters".
  • 1. Event-related or status-related information, and its associated metadata (for example Producer ID, criticality level, etc.), generated by a Memento producer and displayed in the Memento application. It covers its graphical representation in the Memento GUI. 2. Lightweight software macro that is executed on the Memento producer side and writes messages in the Memento ring buffer.
  • Classification on Memento traces based on their origin (producer, card, connector and/or stream)
  • Classification of Memento traces based on their nature, type (or origin)
  • Area in the Memento application (GUI) that displays a filtered set of Memento traces.
  • Area in the Memento application (GUI) that displays a plot showing the Memento traces issued over a time frame based on their severity.
  • R
  • Filter used to define the traces to be extracted to the viewer buffer and displayed in the Memento application. Formerly called "verbosity filters".
  • Filtering of the traces added to the Memento viewer buffer by means of the read filters.
  • Common memory space reserved by the Memento driver on the computer, in which the Memento producers write event data. This is also called the Memento storage.
  • V
  • Classification of Memento traces based on their content criticality and on the requested amount of messages to be displayed. The levels are the following from the least verbose (most critical) to the most verbose (least critical): Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug, Verbose.
  • Memory area where the Memento application stores the traces that comply with the read filters and have to be displayed in the Memento application.
  • W
  • Filter used to define the messages to be added to the Memento ring buffer based on their kind and the requested verbosity level. Formerly called "ring filters".
  • Filtering of the messages added to the Memento ring buffer by means of the write filters. Also called "ring buffer configuration".