E3DBox Class

A 3D box, used as bounding volume for E3DObject class. A box is defined by a center, 3 axis and 3 extent for the 3 axis. A 3D point (x,y,z) is inside the E3DBox if ... By default a E3DBox is an axis aligned unit cube, centered on the origin.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D


Constructs an E3DBox. By default a E3DBox is an axis aligned unit cube, centered on the origin.
3D orthonormal axis system of the box.
3D box center.
X axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its X axis .
2D quadrangle of the E3DBox in the XY plane
Y axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its Y axis.
Z axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its Z axis.
Loads the E3DBox. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if two E3DBox are different
Assignment operator for the E3DBox.
Checks if two E3DBox are strictly equal
Saves the E3DBox. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
3D orthonormal axis system of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its X axis .
Size of the 3D box along its Y axis.
Size of the 3D box along its Z axis.
Transforms the 3D box with the given transformation matrix. The transformation matrix must contain a rigid transformation (translation and rotation only).

E3DBox Class

A 3D box, used as bounding volume for E3DObject class. A box is defined by a center, 3 axis and 3 extent for the 3 axis. A 3D point (x,y,z) is inside the E3DBox if ... By default a E3DBox is an axis aligned unit cube, centered on the origin.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D


3D orthonormal axis system of the box.
3D box center.
X axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its X axis .
2D quadrangle of the E3DBox in the XY plane
Y axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its Y axis.
Z axis of the box.
Size of the 3D box along its Z axis.


Constructs an E3DBox. By default a E3DBox is an axis aligned unit cube, centered on the origin.
Loads the E3DBox. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if two E3DBox are different
Assignment operator for the E3DBox.
Checks if two E3DBox are strictly equal
Saves the E3DBox. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Transforms the 3D box with the given transformation matrix. The transformation matrix must contain a rigid transformation (translation and rotation only).