E3DViewer Class

Manages a viewer window for EPointCloud.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D


Adds a new Render Source. The given render source (point cloud, mesh, ZMap, sphere, box, plane or line) is added to the current display.
Adds a text label linked to an E3DPoint.
Clears the 3D data, nothing will be displayed.
Removes all text labels.
Sets a unique 3D source to be rendered. It replaces the current object.
Decreases the displayed point size.
Disables the fix color ramp bounds.
Creates an E3DViewer object.
Edits a text label.
Choose the current color ramp mode. Colors are calculated from point coordinates or attributes, several mappings are exposed in EColorRampMode.
Gets the auto rotate speeds.
Sets and Gets the axis origin mode.
Sets/Gets the 3D viewer background color.
Sets/Gets the graduation color.
Gets the location of the color ramp.
Set/Gets the current color ramp mode.
Gets/Sets how strong Eye-Dome-Lighting shading is. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Gets/Sets if Eye-Dome-Lighting shading mode is enabled. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Gets the state of the fix color ramp bounds.
Sets/Gets the state of the smart generation of color. If the smart generation of color is active, then the outliers inside the pointcloud will not be taken into account in the color ramp.
Gets how the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx should be rendered.
Sets/Gets the field of view.
Gets the bounds of the color ramp.
Configure the TrueType font used to display text on the 3D Viewer
Returns the last picked E3DPoint if there is one. Otherwise, it throws an EException.
Returns the number of render sources.
Enables or disables the display of the picked point.
Sets or gets the distance threshold for the picking.
Sets or gets the color of the picked point label.
Sets or gets the state to fix or not the label.
Sets or gets the size of the picked point label.
Displays size of the points, in pixels.
Sets/Gets the projection type.
Enables or disables the display of the axis.
Sets/Gets the axis configuration.
Sets or Gets the point cloud decimation level used during the rendering.
Enables or disables the display of Grid.
Sets/Gets the same grid step for each axis.
Gets the Source Color Mode. The Source Color Mode defines how the colors of the point cloud or mesh are chosen. See ESourceColorMode.
Gets the constant color used to display a point cloud or a mesh, when ESourceColorMode is set to ESourceColorMode_Constant.
Returns the name of the ith render source.
Gets the opacity used to display the render source. Only compatible with ESourceColorMode_Constant.
Gets the point size used to display the point clouds.
Gets the wireframe mode used to render a mesh.
Gets the wireframe color.
Gets the view rotation matrix.
Gets the text label information.
Gets view angles.
Sets/Gets view distance.
Gets view target position (by default, the camera position is 'look at center of the point cloud').
Enables or disables the display of wireframe triangles.
Return true if at least one 3D object is registered
Is the given render source name exists ?
Disables the display of a color ramp legend.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx to be not rendered.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject to be not rendered.
Hides the given render source.
Increases the displayed point size.
Initializes the rendering state, must be called one time before the first E3DViewer::Show.
Returns true if the auto rotation is active.
Whether the color ramp legend is visible or not.
Indicates whether Eye-Dome-Lighting shading mode is supported.
Whether the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject si rendered or not.
Returns true if the render source is currently visible.
Finalizes a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is released.
Starts a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Finalizes a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is released.
Starts a translation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Returns and displays the picked E3DPoint in the EPointCloud.
Sets the list of E3DObject from which their features can be rendered.
Removes all render sources. The E3DViewer display will be empty.
Removes all E3DObject currently registered.
Removes the given render source.
Removes a text label.
Resets the last picked point and disable the coordinate display.
Resets the view point to a view that frame the object.
Update the size of the 3D viewer window.
Enables and configures the auto rotate display.
Sets and Gets the axis origin mode.
Sets/Gets the 3D viewer background color.
Sets/Gets the graduation color.
Sets the location of the color ramp.
Set/Gets the current color ramp mode.
Gets/Sets how strong Eye-Dome-Lighting shading is. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Gets/Sets if Eye-Dome-Lighting shading mode is enabled. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Sets/Gets the state of the smart generation of color. If the smart generation of color is active, then the outliers inside the pointcloud will not be taken into account in the color ramp.
Sets how the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx should be rendered.
Sets how the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject should be rendered.
Sets/Gets the field of view.
Sets the bounds of the color ramp.
The viewer window takes the focus.
Configure the TrueType font used to display text on the 3D Viewer
Sets a callback function that will be called when a new E3DPoint is picked.
Enables or disables the display of the picked point.
Sets or gets the distance threshold for the picking.
Sets or gets the color of the picked point label.
Sets or gets the state to fix or not the label.
Sets or gets the size of the picked point label.
Displays size of the points, in pixels.
Sets the position of the 3D viewer window.
Sets/Gets the projection type.
Enables or disables the display of the axis.
Sets/Gets the axis configuration.
Sets or Gets the point cloud decimation level used during the rendering.
Enables or disables the display of Grid.
Sets/Gets the same grid step for each axis.
Changes the content of a render source with a new point cloud, mesh or ZMap.
Sets the Source Color Mode. The Source Color Mode defines how the colors of the point cloud or mesh are chosen. See ESourceColorMode.
Sets the constant color used to display a point cloud or a mesh, when ESourceColorMode is set to ESourceColorMode_Constant.
Sets the opacity used to display the render source. Only compatible with ESourceColorMode_Constant.
Sets the point size used to display the point clouds.
Sets the wireframe mode used to render a mesh.
Sets the wireframe color.
Sets the view rotation matrix.
Sets view angles.
Sets/Gets view distance.
Sets view target position (by default, the camera position is 'look at center of the point cloud').
Enables or disables the display of wireframe triangles.
Shows the viewer window, refresh the display.
Enables the display of a color ramp legend.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx to be rendered.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject to be rendered.
Shows the given render source.
Stops the display automatic rotation
Toggles the display of the axis.
Toggles the display of wireframe triangles.
Updates a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when the mouse moves.
Updates a translation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Applies a delta factor to the view distance. Usually this control is mapped on the mouse wheel.

E3DViewer Class

Manages a viewer window for EPointCloud.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D


Sets and Gets the axis origin mode.
Sets/Gets the 3D viewer background color.
Sets/Gets the graduation color.
Set/Gets the current color ramp mode.
Gets/Sets how strong Eye-Dome-Lighting shading is. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Gets/Sets if Eye-Dome-Lighting shading mode is enabled. In this mode, every pixel is shaded by how much closer its neighbor pixels are to the camera.
Gets the state of the fix color ramp bounds.
Sets/Gets the state of the smart generation of color. If the smart generation of color is active, then the outliers inside the pointcloud will not be taken into account in the color ramp.
Sets/Gets the field of view.
Configure the TrueType font used to display text on the 3D Viewer
Returns the last picked E3DPoint if there is one. Otherwise, it throws an EException.
Returns the number of render sources.
Enables or disables the display of the picked point.
Sets or gets the distance threshold for the picking.
Sets or gets the color of the picked point label.
Sets or gets the state to fix or not the label.
Sets or gets the size of the picked point label.
Displays size of the points, in pixels.
Sets/Gets the projection type.
Enables or disables the display of the axis.
Sets/Gets the axis configuration.
Sets or Gets the point cloud decimation level used during the rendering.
Enables or disables the display of Grid.
Sets/Gets the same grid step for each axis.
Sets/Gets view distance.
Enables or disables the display of wireframe triangles.


Adds a new Render Source. The given render source (point cloud, mesh, ZMap, sphere, box, plane or line) is added to the current display.
Adds a text label linked to an E3DPoint.
Clears the 3D data, nothing will be displayed.
Removes all text labels.
Sets a unique 3D source to be rendered. It replaces the current object.
Decreases the displayed point size.
Disables the fix color ramp bounds.
Creates an E3DViewer object.
Edits a text label.
Choose the current color ramp mode. Colors are calculated from point coordinates or attributes, several mappings are exposed in EColorRampMode.
Gets the auto rotate speeds.
Gets the location of the color ramp.
Gets how the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx should be rendered.
Gets the bounds of the color ramp.
Gets the Source Color Mode. The Source Color Mode defines how the colors of the point cloud or mesh are chosen. See ESourceColorMode.
Gets the constant color used to display a point cloud or a mesh, when ESourceColorMode is set to Constant.
Returns the name of the ith render source.
Gets the opacity used to display the render source. Only compatible with Constant.
Gets the point size used to display the point clouds.
Gets the wireframe mode used to render a mesh.
Gets the wireframe color.
Gets the view rotation matrix.
Gets the text label information.
Gets view angles.
Gets view target position (by default, the camera position is 'look at center of the point cloud').
Return true if at least one 3D object is registered
Is the given render source name exists ?
Disables the display of a color ramp legend.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx to be not rendered.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject to be not rendered.
Hides the given render source.
Increases the displayed point size.
Initializes the rendering state, must be called one time before the first E3DViewer::Show.
Returns true if the auto rotation is active.
Whether the color ramp legend is visible or not.
Indicates whether Eye-Dome-Lighting shading mode is supported.
Whether the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject si rendered or not.
Returns true if the render source is currently visible.
Finalizes a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is released.
Starts a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Finalizes a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is released.
Starts a translation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Returns and displays the picked E3DPoint in the EPointCloud.
Sets the list of E3DObject from which their features can be rendered.
Removes all render sources. The E3DViewer display will be empty.
Removes all E3DObject currently registered.
Removes the given render source.
Removes a text label.
Resets the last picked point and disable the coordinate display.
Resets the view point to a view that frame the object.
Update the size of the 3D viewer window.
Enables and configures the auto rotate display.
Sets the location of the color ramp.
Sets how the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx should be rendered.
Sets how the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject should be rendered.
Sets the bounds of the color ramp.
The viewer window takes the focus.
Sets a callback function that will be called when a new E3DPoint is picked.
Sets the position of the 3D viewer window.
Changes the content of a render source with a new point cloud, mesh or ZMap.
Sets the Source Color Mode. The Source Color Mode defines how the colors of the point cloud or mesh are chosen. See ESourceColorMode.
Sets the constant color used to display a point cloud or a mesh, when ESourceColorMode is set to Constant.
Sets the opacity used to display the render source. Only compatible with Constant.
Sets the point size used to display the point clouds.
Sets the wireframe mode used to render a mesh.
Sets the wireframe color.
Sets the view rotation matrix.
Sets view angles.
Sets view target position (by default, the camera position is 'look at center of the point cloud').
Shows the viewer window, refresh the display.
Enables the display of a color ramp legend.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of the registered E3DObject at the specified location idx to be rendered.
Sets the E3DObjectFeature of all the registered E3DObject to be rendered.
Shows the given render source.
Stops the display automatic rotation
Toggles the display of the axis.
Toggles the display of wireframe triangles.
Updates a rotation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when the mouse moves.
Updates a translation transformation of the view point using the (x,y) coordinate. Usually (x,y) is the mouse cursor coordinate when a button is pressed.
Applies a delta factor to the view distance. Usually this control is mapped on the mouse wheel.