Welcome to Open eVision 24.10 Resource Center

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Release Notes 24.10 (online - PDF)
This release includes a preview of the new Open eVision Studio, a tool developed to learn, prototype and demonstrate Open eVision
Definition of complex processing sequences using a graph of tools.
A Tool Catalog exposing the available Open eVision tools with search capabilities.
A Sample Catalog exposing preconfigured projects with sample resources.
Code generation in C++ and C# that matches the graphical project (Python coming soon).
Free (no license, no activation required, free use of the Open eVision libraries within Studio).
In Easy3D, use the new class EZMapLeveler to perform the leveling of EZMaps.
EasyImage now offers a High Dynamic Range image fusion to merge several input images captured with different exposures into a single image, while conserving the details and the visual quality of the source images.

PDF Guides

Video Tutorials

Sample Programs