EasyImage - Pre-Processing Image

EasyImage operations prepare images so that further processing gets better results by:

isolating defects using thresholding or intensity transformations
compensating perspective effects (for non-flat surfaces such as a bottle label)
processing complex or disconnected shapes using flexible masks

The main functions are:

Intensity Transformations change the gray-level of each pixel to clarify objects (histogram stretching).
Thresholding transforms a binary image into a bi- or tri-level grayscale image by classifying the pixel values.
Arithmetic and logic functions manipulate pixels in two images, or one image and a constant.
Non-Linear Filtering functions use non-linear combinations of neighboring pixels (using a kernel) to highlight a shape, or to remove noise.
Geometric transforms move selected pixels to realign, resize, rotate and warp.
Noise Reduction and Estimation functions ensure that noise is not unacceptably enhanced by other operations (thresholding, high-pass filtering).
Gradient Scalar generates a gradient direction or gradient magnitude map from a gray-level image.
Vector operations extract 1-dimensional data from an image into a vector, for example to detect scratches or outlines, or to clarify images.
Harris corner detector returns a vector of points of interest in a BW8 image.
Canny edge detector returns a BW8 image of the edges found in a BW8 image.
Overlay overlays an image on top of a color image.
Operations on Interlaced Video Frames eliminate interlaced image artifacts by rebuilding or re-aligning fields.
Flexible Masks help process irregular shapes in EasyImage.