Retrieving Information of a QR Code

Functional Guide | Reference: Read, EQRCode Class

// This code snippet shows how to read a QR code  //
// and retrieve the associated information.       //

// Image constructor
EImageBW8 srcImage; // QR code reader constructor EQRCodeReader reader; // ... // Set the source image reader.SetSearchField(srcImage); // Read std::vector<EQRCode> qrCodes = reader.Read(); // Retrieve version, model and position information // of the first QR code found, if one was found if (qrCodes.size() > 0 { int version = qrCodes[0].GetVersion(); EQRCodeModel model = qrCodes[0].GetModel(); EQRCodeGeometry geometry = qrCodes[0].GetGeometry();
// This code snippet shows how to read a QR code  //
// and retrieve the associated information.       //

// Image constructor
EImageBW8 srcImage= new EImageBW8();

// QR code reader constructor
EQRCodeReader reader= new EQRCodeReader ();

// ...
// Set the source image
reader.SearchField = srcImage;

// Read
EQRCode [] qrCodes = reader.Read();

// Retrieve version, model and position information
// of the first QR code found, if one was found
if (qrCodes.Length > 0)
    uint version = qrCodes[0].Version;
    EQRCodeModel model = qrCodes[0].Model;
    EQRCodeGeometry geometry = qrCodes[0].Geometry;