EGrayscaleSingleThresholdSegmenter Class

Segments an image using a single threshold on a grayscale image.


This segmenter is applicable to EROIBW8 and EROIBW16 grayscale images. It produces coded images with two layers: the black layer (usually, with index 0) contains the unmasked pixels having a gray value strictly below the threshold value; and the white layer (usually, with index 1) contains the remaining unmasked pixels, i.e. unmasked pixels having a gray value greater or equal to the threshold value. The default thresholding method is minimum residue. If another method is required, the EGrayscaleSingleThresholdSegmenter::Mode property must be set prior to encoding.

Base Class: ETwoLayersImageSegmenter

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11::Segmenters


Value of the threshold to be used in the case of absolute thresholding.
Retrieves the actual threshold value that was used for the last image that got encoded by the segmenter.
Threshold selection mode.
Fraction of the image pixels that belongs to the black layer in the case of relative thresholding.
Checks whether the segmenter has already been used to segment an image.
Value of the threshold to be used in the case of absolute thresholding.
Threshold selection mode.
Fraction of the image pixels that belongs to the black layer in the case of relative thresholding.

EGrayscaleSingleThresholdSegmenter Class

Segments an image using a single threshold on a grayscale image.


This segmenter is applicable to EROIBW8 and EROIBW16 grayscale images. It produces coded images with two layers: the black layer (usually, with index 0) contains the unmasked pixels having a gray value strictly below the threshold value; and the white layer (usually, with index 1) contains the remaining unmasked pixels, i.e. unmasked pixels having a gray value greater or equal to the threshold value. The default thresholding method is minimum residue. If another method is required, the EGrayscaleSingleThresholdSegmenter::Mode property must be set prior to encoding.

Base Class: ETwoLayersImageSegmenter

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.Segmenters


Value of the threshold to be used in the case of absolute thresholding.
Retrieves the actual threshold value that was used for the last image that got encoded by the segmenter.
Threshold selection mode.
Fraction of the image pixels that belongs to the black layer in the case of relative thresholding.


Checks whether the segmenter has already been used to segment an image.