ELine Class

Represents a model of a line segment in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


Copies all the data of the current ELine object into another ELine object and returns it.
Constructs a ELine object.
Computes the angle between two lines.
Computes the distance between a point and a line.
End point coordinates of the ELine object.
Computes the intersection between two lines.
Length of the ELine object.
Origin point coordinates of the ELine object.
Returns the coordinates of a point along the line.
Computes the projection of a point on a line.
Copies all the data from another ELine object into the current ELine object
Sets the geometric parameters (center coordinates, length, and rotation angle) of a ELine object.
DEPRECATED (you should use ELine::SetFromOriginAndEnd) : Sets the geometric parameters (center coordinates, length, and rotation angle) of a ELine object.
Length of the ELine object.

ELine Class

Represents a model of a line segment in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


End point coordinates of the ELine object.
Length of the ELine object.
Origin point coordinates of the ELine object.


Copies all the data of the current ELine object into another ELine object and returns it.
Constructs a ELine object.
Computes the angle between two lines.
Computes the distance between a point and a line.
Computes the intersection between two lines.
Returns the coordinates of a point along the line.
Computes the projection of a point on a line.
Copies all the data from another ELine object into the current ELine object
Sets the geometric parameters (center coordinates, length, and rotation angle) of a ELine object.
DEPRECATED (you should use ELine::SetFromOriginAndEnd) : Sets the geometric parameters (center coordinates, length, and rotation angle) of a ELine object.