

"Don't care" threshold.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


OEV_UINT32 GetDontCareThreshold()

void SetDontCareThreshold(OEV_UINT32 un32Threshold)


If the pattern cannot be inscribed in a rectangle because there are foreign objects in a close neighborhood, mismatches can be avoided by using "don't care" pixels: all the pattern pixels whose value is strictly below DontCareThreshold will be ignored. By default, this property is set to 0: no "don't care" pixel exists.

Note. When you use the "don't care" feature, either the pattern is well contrasted from its background -then set DontCareThreshold to an appropriate thresholding value- or it is not -then set the background pixels of the pattern to some low value (by a masking operation) and set DontCareThreshold to this low value plus one.


"Don't care" threshold.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


uint DontCareThreshold

{ get; set; }


If the pattern cannot be inscribed in a rectangle because there are foreign objects in a close neighborhood, mismatches can be avoided by using "don't care" pixels: all the pattern pixels whose value is strictly below DontCareThreshold will be ignored. By default, this property is set to 0: no "don't care" pixel exists.

Note. When you use the "don't care" feature, either the pattern is well contrasted from its background -then set DontCareThreshold to an appropriate thresholding value- or it is not -then set the background pixels of the pattern to some low value (by a masking operation) and set DontCareThreshold to this low value plus one.