

Sets the TextAngleRange parameter for the topology fitting algorithm, which will attempt to find the angle of the text in the image with respect to the horizontal. This will determine the center of the range of angles that will be tested, defined as:
TextAngleRange.min() <= angle <= TextAngleRange.max()

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


EFloatRange& GetTextAngleRange()

void SetTextAngleRange(const EFloatRange& range)


The textAngleRange is returned by reference, changing it will affect the internal state of the EOCR2 object. The default setting for this parameter is -20° to +20°.


Sets the TextAngleRange parameter for the topology fitting algorithm, which will attempt to find the angle of the text in the image with respect to the horizontal. This will determine the center of the range of angles that will be tested, defined as:
TextAngleRange.min() <= angle <= TextAngleRange.max()

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EFloatRange TextAngleRange

{ get; set; }


The textAngleRange is returned by reference, changing it will affect the internal state of the EOCR2 object. The default setting for this parameter is -20° to +20°.