EPoint Class

An exact (floating-point) location in the 2D space.

Derived Class(es): EFrame

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


Compute the oriented area of the parallelogram built on two EPoint.
Compute the polar argument of a EPoint object.
Copies all the data of the current EPoint object into another EPoint object and returns it.
Returns the distance between the addressed point and an EPoint object.
Compute the dot product of two EPoint object.
Constructs a EPoint object.
Center coordinates of a EPoint object.
Abscissa (X coordinate) of the EPoint object
Ordinate (Y coordinate) of the EPoint object
Returns the middle coordinate between this EPoint object and another EPoint object.
Compute the euclidian modulus of a EPoint.
Subtracts from the current EPoint center coordinates the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Compares the current EPoint center coordinates with the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Multiplies the current EPoint center coordinates by a given multiplier.
Divides the current EPoint center coordinates by a given divisor.
Adds to the current EPoint center coordinates the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Copies all the data from another EPoint object into the current EPoint object.
Compares the current EPoint center coordinates with the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Compute the orthogonal projection of a EPoint on another shape.
Returns another EPoint object containing the coordinated of the rotated point.
Center coordinates of a EPoint object.
Sets the center coordinates of a EPoint object.
Compute the sum of the squared coordinates of a EPoint.
Compute the squared distance between two EPoint.

EPoint Class

An exact (floating-point) location in the 2D space.

Derived Class(es): EFrame

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


Center coordinates of a EPoint object.
Abscissa (X coordinate) of the EPoint object
Ordinate (Y coordinate) of the EPoint object


Compute the oriented area of the parallelogram built on two EPoint.
Compute the polar argument of a EPoint object.
Copies all the data of the current EPoint object into another EPoint object and returns it.
Returns the distance between the addressed point and an EPoint object.
Compute the dot product of two EPoint object.
Constructs a EPoint object.
Returns the middle coordinate between this EPoint object and another EPoint object.
Compute the euclidian modulus of a EPoint.
Subtracts from the current EPoint center coordinates the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Compares the current EPoint center coordinates with the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Multiplies the current EPoint center coordinates by a given multiplier.
Divides the current EPoint center coordinates by a given divisor.
Adds to the current EPoint center coordinates the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Copies all the data from another EPoint object into the current EPoint object.
Compares the current EPoint center coordinates with the center coordinates of another EPoint object.
Compute the orthogonal projection of a EPoint on another shape.
Returns another EPoint object containing the coordinated of the rotated point.
Sets the center coordinates of a EPoint object.
Compute the sum of the squared coordinates of a EPoint.
Compute the squared distance between two EPoint.