

Time-out for the EQRCodeReader::Detect, EQRCodeReader::Decode and EQRCodeReader::Read methods.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


OEV_UINT64 GetTimeOut()

void SetTimeOut(OEV_UINT64 value)


If the processing time of one of these functions becomes longer than the set time-out, the processing is stopped and an exception is thrown.
In that case, the error code of the exception is EError_TimeoutReached.
The time-out is set in microseconds.
This time-out is not a real time-out.
The processing is stopped as soon as possible after the time-out has been reached.
This means that the time elapsed effectively in the method can be greater than the time-out itself.


Time-out for the EQRCodeReader::Detect, EQRCodeReader::Decode and EQRCodeReader::Read methods.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


System.UInt64 TimeOut

{ get; set; }


If the processing time of one of these functions becomes longer than the set time-out, the processing is stopped and an exception is thrown.
In that case, the error code of the exception is TimeoutReached.
The time-out is set in microseconds.
This time-out is not a real time-out.
The processing is stopped as soon as possible after the time-out has been reached.
This means that the time elapsed effectively in the method can be greater than the time-out itself.