

Classification threshold for the score of an image (See EUnsupervisedSegmenterResult::ClassificationScore).
A image with a score smaller or equal to the classification threshold will be classified as good.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11::EasyDeepLearning


float GetClassificationThreshold() const

void SetClassificationThreshold(float threshold)


The classification threshold is optmized during training to maximize the balanced accuracy of the unsupervised segmenter.
The classification threshold can be changed after training.


Classification threshold for the score of an image (See EUnsupervisedSegmenterResult::ClassificationScore).
A image with a score smaller or equal to the classification threshold will be classified as good.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EasyDeepLearning


float ClassificationThreshold

{ get; set; }


The classification threshold is optmized during training to maximize the balanced accuracy of the unsupervised segmenter.
The classification threshold can be changed after training.