EWedge Class

Represents a model of a wedge (disk, ring, sector or curvilinear quadrilateral) in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11


Copies all the data of the current EWedge object into another EWedge object and returns it.
Constructs a EWedge object.
Angular amplitude of the EWedge.
Angular position at the apex of the EWedge.
Breadth of the EWedge.
Retrieves the coordinates of each corner of the EWedge.
Retrieves each edge of the EWedge.
Ending angular position of the EWedge.
Flag indicating if the EWedge has a full breadth (breadth = radius).
Flag indicating if the EWedge is a full circle (amplitude = 2 PI).
Inner apex point coordinates of the EWedge.
Inner circle arc length of the EWedge.
Inner diameter of the EWedge.
Inner end point coordinates of the EWedge.
Inner origin point coordinates of the EWedge.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the inner circle arc.
Inner radius of the EWedge
Retrieves the center coordinates of each edge of the wedge fitting gauge.
Angular position from where the EWedge extents.
Outer apex point coordinates of the EWedge.
Outer circle arc length of the EWedge.
Outer diameter of the EWedge.
Outer end point coordinates of the EWedge.
Outer origin point coordinates of the EWedge.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the outter circle arc.
Outer radius of the EWedge.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the wedge perimeter.
Copies all the data from another EWedge object into the current EWedge object
Angular amplitude of the EWedge.
Sets the nominal inner/outer diameter and breadth of the EWedge.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
DEPRECATED (you should use EWedge::SetFromCenterAndOrigin): Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
Sets the nominal radius and breadth of the EWedge.

EWedge Class

Represents a model of a wedge (disk, ring, sector or curvilinear quadrilateral) in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11


Angular amplitude of the EWedge.
Angular position at the apex of the EWedge.
Breadth of the EWedge.
Ending angular position of the EWedge.
Flag indicating if the EWedge has a full breadth (breadth = radius).
Flag indicating if the EWedge is a full circle (amplitude = 2 PI).
Inner apex point coordinates of the EWedge.
Inner circle arc length of the EWedge.
Inner diameter of the EWedge.
Inner end point coordinates of the EWedge.
Inner origin point coordinates of the EWedge.
Inner radius of the EWedge
Angular position from where the EWedge extents.
Outer apex point coordinates of the EWedge.
Outer circle arc length of the EWedge.
Outer diameter of the EWedge.
Outer end point coordinates of the EWedge.
Outer origin point coordinates of the EWedge.
Outer radius of the EWedge.


Copies all the data of the current EWedge object into another EWedge object and returns it.
Constructs a EWedge object.
Retrieves the coordinates of each corner of the EWedge.
Retrieves each edge of the EWedge.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the inner circle arc.
Retrieves the center coordinates of each edge of the wedge fitting gauge.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the outter circle arc.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the wedge perimeter.
Copies all the data from another EWedge object into the current EWedge object
Sets the nominal inner/outer diameter and breadth of the EWedge.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
DEPRECATED (you should use EWedge::SetFromCenterAndOrigin): Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, breadth, angular position and amplitude) of an EWedge object.
Sets the nominal radius and breadth of the EWedge.