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Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


BOOL GetRemoveBorder()

void SetRemoveBorder(BOOL bRemoveBorder)


If TRUE, all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded. By default, this feature is turned on. The segmentation parameters must be the same for both learning and recognition process.


Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


bool RemoveBorder

{ get; set; }


If TRUE, all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded. By default, this feature is turned on. The segmentation parameters must be the same for both learning and recognition process.


Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.


RemoveBorder As Boolean



If TRUE, all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded. By default, this feature is turned on. The segmentation parameters must be the same for both learning and recognition process.

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