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Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


OEV_UINT32 GetShiftXTolerance()

void SetShiftXTolerance(OEV_UINT32 un32ShiftXTolerance)


By default, no shifting is allowed (ShiftX = 0). The tolerance can be used in two ways: either each character is moved individually until the best match is found, or the set of characters is matched as a whole, until the best average error is reached. See EOCR::ShiftingMode.


Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


uint ShiftXTolerance

{ get; set; }


By default, no shifting is allowed (ShiftX = 0). The tolerance can be used in two ways: either each character is moved individually until the best match is found, or the set of characters is matched as a whole, until the best average error is reached. See EOCR::ShiftingMode.


Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.


ShiftXTolerance As Long



By default, no shifting is allowed (ShiftX = 0). The tolerance can be used in two ways: either each character is moved individually until the best match is found, or the set of characters is matched as a whole, until the best average error is reached. See EOCR::ShiftingMode.

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