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Gets the x-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_6


OEV_INT32 GetTotalOrgX() const


The total origin coordinates of an ROI indicate the position of its upper left pixel relative to the topmost parent image. The total origin coordinates (top-left pixel) of a topmost parent are always (0,0).


Gets the x-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_6


int TotalOrgX

{ get; }


The total origin coordinates of an ROI indicate the position of its upper left pixel relative to the topmost parent image. The total origin coordinates (top-left pixel) of a topmost parent are always (0,0).

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