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EBW16 Struct

Gray-level pixel value, coded as an unsigned 16-bit integer.


High-quality cameras or scanners are able to digitize on 10 or 12 bits. Sometimes too, to avoid numerical truncation errors, intermediate processing results require more than 8 bits of storage. In such situations, 8 bits gray-level images are no longer sufficient. 16 bits gray-level images are similar to 8 bits ones, but each pixel is, in this case, coded on 16 bits, which effect is to increase the levels of gray to 65,536. It is not possible to show the difference between a gray-level image quantized on 16 bits rather than 8. Under Windows, no display device is able to display 16-bit gray levels. Windows doesn't allow you to display more than 256 gray levels.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_6


The value of the pixel.


Constructs a EBW16 object.
The number of bits in a pixel

EBW16 Struct

Gray-level pixel value, coded as an unsigned 16-bit integer.


High-quality cameras or scanners are able to digitize on 10 or 12 bits. Sometimes too, to avoid numerical truncation errors, intermediate processing results require more than 8 bits of storage. In such situations, 8 bits gray-level images are no longer sufficient. 16 bits gray-level images are similar to 8 bits ones, but each pixel is, in this case, coded on 16 bits, which effect is to increase the levels of gray to 65,536. It is not possible to show the difference between a gray-level image quantized on 16 bits rather than 8. Under Windows, no display device is able to display 16-bit gray levels. Windows doesn't allow you to display more than 256 gray levels.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_6


The number of bits in a pixel
The value of the pixel.


Constructs a EBW16 object.

Which API shall we display?

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