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EBW8 Struct

Gray-level pixel value, coded as an unsigned 8-bit integer.


Every pixel is coded on 8 bits, allowing to represent 256 different values. The value 0 stands for black (background) and the value 255 stands for white (foreground). The 254 remaining values stand for shades of gray. This is sufficient for most applications. Most of the Open eVision gray-level operations apply to this pixel type.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_6


The value of the pixel.


Constructs a EBW8 object.
The number of bits in a pixel

EBW8 Struct

Gray-level pixel value, coded as an unsigned 8-bit integer.


Every pixel is coded on 8 bits, allowing to represent 256 different values. The value 0 stands for black (background) and the value 255 stands for white (foreground). The 254 remaining values stand for shades of gray. This is sufficient for most applications. Most of the Open eVision gray-level operations apply to this pixel type.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_6


The number of bits in a pixel
The value of the pixel.


Constructs a EBW8 object.

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