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EC24A Struct

Color pixel value coded as 4 unsigned 8-bit integers (red, green, blue and alpha components).


This class is suited to handle the Windows RGB32 color format. The pixel values are coded on 32 bits, leaving 256 possible levels per color component (red, green or blue), and 8 more bits for an alpha channel. Currently, the alpha channel is not used for any purpose in the Open eVision processing functions. Users are free to use it to store an additional gray-level content.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_6


The value of the alpha component of the pixel.
The value of the first component of the pixel (red channel).
The value of the second component of the pixel (green channel).
The value of the third component of the pixel (blue channel).


Constructs a EC24A object.
The number of bits in a pixel

EC24A Struct

Color pixel value coded as 4 unsigned 8-bit integers (red, green, blue and alpha components).


This class is suited to handle the Windows RGB32 color format. The pixel values are coded on 32 bits, leaving 256 possible levels per color component (red, green or blue), and 8 more bits for an alpha channel. Currently, the alpha channel is not used for any purpose in the Open eVision processing functions. Users are free to use it to store an additional gray-level content.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_6


The value of the alpha component of the pixel.
The value of the first component of the pixel (red channel).
The value of the second component of the pixel (green channel).
The value of the third component of the pixel (blue channel).
The number of bits in a pixel


Constructs a EC24A object.

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