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E3DTransformMatrix Class

Represents a 3D transformation [4x4] matrix.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10::Easy3D


Creates an anisotropic scaling E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates an identity (neutral) E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates an isotropic scaling E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a orthonormal E3DTransformMatrix basis (corresponds to a rigid transformation).
The vector e1, e2, e3 should form a right-handed orthogonal basis.
Creates an othographic projection E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a perspective projection E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the X axis matrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the Y axis matrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the Z axis matrix.
Gets the orthogonal basis represented by this transformation or throws an exception if it is not a rigid transformation.
Gets a value from the E3DTransformMatrix object.
Returns the inverted E3DTransformMatrix.
An exception will be thrown if the determinant of the matrix is 0.
Checks that the transformation is a rigid transformation (keep the distances and angles).
Loads the E3DTransformMatrix object. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if two E3DTransformMatrix objects are stricly differents (binary level).
E3DTransformMatrix product. Combines the transformations of the two matrices.
E3DTransformMatrix sum. Sums the current and the given matrix, returns the result.
Assignment operator.
Checks if two E3DTransformMatrix objects are stricly equals (binary level).
Saves the E3DTransformMatrix object. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Sets a value in the E3DTransformMatrix object.
Returns the transposed E3DTransformMatrix.
If the matrix is orthogonal (rotation only transformation), the transposed matrix is the inverse transformation.

E3DTransformMatrix Class

Represents a 3D transformation [4x4] matrix.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10.Easy3D


Creates an anisotropic scaling E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates an identity (neutral) E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates an isotropic scaling E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a orthonormal E3DTransformMatrix basis (corresponds to a rigid transformation).
The vector e1, e2, e3 should form a right-handed orthogonal basis.
Creates an othographic projection E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a perspective projection E3DTransformMatrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the X axis matrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the Y axis matrix.
Creates a rotation E3DTransformMatrix around the Z axis matrix.
Gets the orthogonal basis represented by this transformation or throws an exception if it is not a rigid transformation.
Gets a value from the E3DTransformMatrix object.
Returns the inverted E3DTransformMatrix.
An exception will be thrown if the determinant of the matrix is 0.
Checks that the transformation is a rigid transformation (keep the distances and angles).
Loads the E3DTransformMatrix object. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if two E3DTransformMatrix objects are stricly differents (binary level).
E3DTransformMatrix product. Combines the transformations of the two matrices.
E3DTransformMatrix sum. Sums the current and the given matrix, returns the result.
Assignment operator.
Checks if two E3DTransformMatrix objects are stricly equals (binary level).
Saves the E3DTransformMatrix object. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Sets a value in the E3DTransformMatrix object.
Returns the transposed E3DTransformMatrix.
If the matrix is orthogonal (rotation only transformation), the transposed matrix is the inverse transformation.

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