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"VerifyChecksum" mode.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


BOOL GetVerifyChecksum()

void SetVerifyChecksum(BOOL bVerifyChecksum)


The "VerifyChecksum" mode enables or disables verification of the checksum character. That verification mode is set in the same way for all enabled symbologies. It is worth noting that checksum may be present or not in the bar code, and the user may verify or not checksum validity. These two circumstances are independent, and give rise to four modes of operation. The verification process will return an "invalid checksum" error in case of bad checksum character. This error can also be generated if there is no checksum in the bar code. In the other case, when checksum are not verified, no error will occur, and the process will continue silently. When the "VerifyChecksum" mode is enabled, the returned decoded string does not contain the checksum character(s). Conversely, when the verification process is disabled, the checksum character(s) are concatenated to the encoded information.


"VerifyChecksum" mode.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


bool VerifyChecksum

{ get; set; }


The "VerifyChecksum" mode enables or disables verification of the checksum character. That verification mode is set in the same way for all enabled symbologies. It is worth noting that checksum may be present or not in the bar code, and the user may verify or not checksum validity. These two circumstances are independent, and give rise to four modes of operation. The verification process will return an "invalid checksum" error in case of bad checksum character. This error can also be generated if there is no checksum in the bar code. In the other case, when checksum are not verified, no error will occur, and the process will continue silently. When the "VerifyChecksum" mode is enabled, the returned decoded string does not contain the checksum character(s). Conversely, when the verification process is disabled, the checksum character(s) are concatenated to the encoded information.

See also in the Code Snippets

Reading a Bar Code Following a Given Symbology

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