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EBaseROI Class

This represents the abstract base class for all ROI and image classes.


Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


This method attaches the ROI to another ROI or image.
Only ROIs can be attached. An image can never be attached to another image or ROI.
Optionally, the ROI can be moved and resized after attachment by supplying additional parameters.
Copies all the data of the current EBaseROI object into another EBaseROI object and returns it.
This method reduces the ROI size so that it is completely contained within its topmost parent image bounds (if such an image exists at the top of the hierarchy). This means that, after calling this method, either the ROI has a zero size, or all of its pixels map to valid pixels of the underlying image buffer. If the ROI is already contained within its parent image bounds, then this method does nothing.
Moves the specified handle to a new position and updates all placement parameters of the ROI.
Draws an ROI/image in a device context.
Draws a rectangular frame around an image or ROI.
Draws a rectangular frame around an image or ROI.
Gets or sets the Author attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Returns the image at the top of the hierarchy, or NULL if there is no image on top.
Gets the number of storage bits per pixel.
Gets or sets the color system used by this image, as defined by the EColorSystem enumeration.
Gets the pitch of a column (number of bytes between two horizontally adjacent pixels). For BW1 (one bit per pixel) images, this value is undefined.
Gets or sets the Comment attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the Date attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the height of the ROI.
Returns a pointer to the pixel at given coordinates within the image/ROI.
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Returns the hierarchical parent of this object.
Gets the number of color components in each pixel of the ROI/image.
Gets the pitch of a row (the number of bytes between two vertically adjacent pixels). This is also valid for BW1 images (one bit per pixel).
Returns all the children, and possibly recursively all their children, too.
Gets or sets the Title attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets the height, in pixels, of the ROI topmost parent.
Gets the x-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.
Gets the y-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.
Gets the width, in pixels, of the ROI topmost parent.
Gets the ROI/image pixel type, as defined by the EImageType enumeration.
Gets or sets the width of the ROI.
Tests whether this object has a given attached ROI.
Detects if the cursor is placed over one of the dragging handles.
Tests whether this object is an ROI or an image.
Tests whether if the topmost parent image of this hierarchy has a zero size.
Restores an image stored in the given file.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in JPEG format.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in JPEG 2000 format.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in PNG format.
Serializes the EBaseROI.
Gets or sets the Author attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the color system used by this image, as defined by the EColorSystem enumeration.
Gets or sets the Comment attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the Date attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the height of the ROI.
Sets the pointer to an externally allocated image buffer.
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Sets the placement of an ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Sets the width and height of an ROI/image.
Gets or sets the Title attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the width of the ROI.

EBaseROI Class

This represents the abstract base class for all ROI and image classes.


Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Gets or sets the Author attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Returns the image at the top of the hierarchy, or NULL if there is no image on top.
Gets the number of storage bits per pixel.
Gets or sets the color system used by this image, as defined by the EColorSystem enumeration.
Gets the pitch of a column (number of bytes between two horizontally adjacent pixels). For BW1 (one bit per pixel) images, this value is undefined.
Gets or sets the Comment attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the Date attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets or sets the height of the ROI.
Tests whether if the topmost parent image of this hierarchy has a zero size.
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Returns the hierarchical parent of this object.
Gets the number of color components in each pixel of the ROI/image.
Gets the pitch of a row (the number of bytes between two vertically adjacent pixels). This is also valid for BW1 images (one bit per pixel).
Gets or sets the Title attribute of the ROI/image. This is a convenience property that allows storing some information in the ROI/image. Please note that not all file formats preserve this information.
Gets the height, in pixels, of the ROI topmost parent.
Gets the x-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.
Gets the y-coordinate of the upper left pixel of the ROI, relative to its topmost parent upper left pixel.
Gets the width, in pixels, of the ROI topmost parent.
Gets the ROI/image pixel type, as defined by the EImageType enumeration.
Gets or sets the width of the ROI.


This method attaches the ROI to another ROI or image.
Only ROIs can be attached. An image can never be attached to another image or ROI.
Optionally, the ROI can be moved and resized after attachment by supplying additional parameters.
Copies all the data of the current EBaseROI object into another EBaseROI object and returns it.
This method reduces the ROI size so that it is completely contained within its topmost parent image bounds (if such an image exists at the top of the hierarchy). This means that, after calling this method, either the ROI has a zero size, or all of its pixels map to valid pixels of the underlying image buffer. If the ROI is already contained within its parent image bounds, then this method does nothing.
Moves the specified handle to a new position and updates all placement parameters of the ROI.
Draws an ROI/image in a device context.
Draws a rectangular frame around an image or ROI.
Draws a rectangular frame around an image or ROI.
Returns a pointer to the pixel at given coordinates within the image/ROI.
Returns all the children, and possibly recursively all their children, too.
Tests whether this object has a given attached ROI.
Detects if the cursor is placed over one of the dragging handles.
Tests whether this object is an ROI or an image.
Restores an image stored in the given file.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in JPEG format.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in JPEG 2000 format.
Saves the EBaseROI object to the given file, in PNG format.
Serializes the EBaseROI.
Sets the pointer to an externally allocated image buffer.
Sets the placement of an ROI, relative to its parent ROI/image.
Sets the width and height of an ROI/image.

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