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Angular position of the end of a ECircle object.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


float GetEndAngle() const


A ECircle object is fully defined knowing its nominal position (its center coordinates), its nominal radius (diameter), the angular position from where it extents, its angular amplitude, and its outline tolerance. The sign of the rotation angle depends whether the field of view is calibrated or not. * When the field of view is calibrated, the coordinate system is said to be direct, the abscissa extends rightwards and the ordinate extends upwards. In this case, an anticlockwise rotation leads to a positive angle value. * When the field of view is not calibrated, the coordinate system is said to be inverse, the abscissa extends rightwards and the ordinate extends downwards. In this case, a clockwise rotation leads to a positive angle value.


Angular position of the end of a ECircle object.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


float EndAngle

{ get; }


A ECircle object is fully defined knowing its nominal position (its center coordinates), its nominal radius (diameter), the angular position from where it extents, its angular amplitude, and its outline tolerance. The sign of the rotation angle depends whether the field of view is calibrated or not. * When the field of view is calibrated, the coordinate system is said to be direct, the abscissa extends rightwards and the ordinate extends upwards. In this case, an anticlockwise rotation leads to a positive angle value. * When the field of view is not calibrated, the coordinate system is said to be inverse, the abscissa extends rightwards and the ordinate extends downwards. In this case, a clockwise rotation leads to a positive angle value.

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