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Getter method for the GetInnerFilteringEnabled property. This property is the flag indicating if the inner sampled point filtering is enabled (TRUE), or not.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


BOOL GetInnerFilteringEnabled()


The inner sampled point filtering is activated as soon as the corresponding ECircleGauge::InnerFilteringThreshold is set. To disable inner filtering, use the ECircleGauge::DisableInnerFiltering method.


Getter method for the GetInnerFilteringEnabled property. This property is the flag indicating if the inner sampled point filtering is enabled (TRUE), or not.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


bool InnerFilteringEnabled

{ get; }


The inner sampled point filtering is activated as soon as the corresponding ECircleGauge::InnerFilteringThreshold is set. To disable inner filtering, use the ECircleGauge::DisableInnerFiltering method.

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