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EObjectSelection Class

This container class handles the selection of a subset of coded elements taken from a coded image.


This class provides methods to perform a selection of objects or holes and to retrieve the features of the coded elements in the collection.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


Add a coded element to the selection.
Adds a single hole of a coded image.
Adds all the holes contained in an object, in a layer or in a coded image.
Adds the holes of all the objects that are currently selected.
Adds all the objects of a single layer in a coded image.
Adds a single object of a layer in a coded image.
Adds all the objects of all the layers of a given coded image.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on a floating-point feature.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on an integer feature.
Adds all the objects of a coded image whose location fullfil a criterion based on a rectangle.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Adds the object of a coded image that lies at a particular location.
Remove all the coded elements that are contained in the selection.
Clears the internal cache for the computed features.
Computes the average of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the standard deviation of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the variance of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.
Sets the attached image for computing the features that depend on an image.
Index-based access to the coded elements of the selection.
Returns the number of coded elements selection.
Angle of the Feret box (in the current angle units).
Returns the value of a floating-point feature for a selected coded element.
Retrieves the index of a given coded element in the selection.
Returns the value of an integer feature for a selected coded element.
Returns the value of an unsigned integer feature for a selected coded element.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.
Tests whether a given coded element is present in the selection.
Remove a coded element from the selection.
Removes a single hole of a coded image.
Removes all the holes contained in an object, in a layer or in a coded image.
Removes all the objects of a single layer in a coded image.
Removes a single object of a layer in a coded image.
Removes all the objects of a coded image whose location fullfil a criterion based on a rectangle.
Removes the object of a coded image that lies at a particular location.
Remove all the holes that are currently present in the selection.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on a floating-point feature.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Creates a Flexible Mask from the selection.
Sets the attached image for computing the features that depend on an image.
Angle of the Feret box (in the current angle units).
Sorts the selected coded elements according to the value of a feature.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.

EObjectSelection Class

This container class handles the selection of a subset of coded elements taken from a coded image.


This class provides methods to perform a selection of objects or holes and to retrieve the features of the coded elements in the collection.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Sets the attached image for computing the features that depend on an image.
Returns the number of coded elements selection.
Angle of the Feret box (in the current angle units).


Add a coded element to the selection.
Adds a single hole of a coded image.
Adds all the holes contained in an object, in a layer or in a coded image.
Adds the holes of all the objects that are currently selected.
Adds all the objects of a single layer in a coded image.
Adds a single object of a layer in a coded image.
Adds all the objects of all the layers of a given coded image.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on a floating-point feature.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on an integer feature.
Adds all the objects of a coded image whose location fullfil a criterion based on a rectangle.
Selects the objects that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Adds the object of a coded image that lies at a particular location.
Remove all the coded elements that are contained in the selection.
Clears the internal cache for the computed features.
Computes the average of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the standard deviation of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the variance of the values of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.
Index-based access to the coded elements of the selection.
Returns the value of a floating-point feature for a selected coded element.
Retrieves the index of a given coded element in the selection.
Returns the value of an integer feature for a selected coded element.
Returns the value of an unsigned integer feature for a selected coded element.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.
Tests whether a given coded element is present in the selection.
Remove a coded element from the selection.
Removes a single hole of a coded image.
Removes all the holes contained in an object, in a layer or in a coded image.
Removes all the objects of a single layer in a coded image.
Removes a single object of a layer in a coded image.
Removes all the objects of a coded image whose location fullfil a criterion based on a rectangle.
Removes the object of a coded image that lies at a particular location.
Remove all the holes that are currently present in the selection.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on a floating-point feature.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Removes the selected coded elements that fullfil a condition on an unsigned integer feature.
Creates a Flexible Mask from the selection.
Sorts the selected coded elements according to the value of a feature.
Computes the maximum value of the given feature across the selection.
Computes the minimum value of the given feature across the selection.

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