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Number of filtering passes for a model fitting operation.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


OEV_UINT32 GetNumFilteringPasses()

void SetNumFilteringPasses(OEV_UINT32 un32NumFilteringPasses)


Irrelevant in case of a point location operation.
During a filtering pass, the points that are too distant from the model are discarded.
During a model fitting operation, the "filtering" process can be invoked to remove outliers, i.e. points that were located significantly far away from the fitted model (so that their position is dubious).
By default (the number of filtering passes is 0), the outliers rejection process is disabled.


Number of filtering passes for a model fitting operation.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


uint NumFilteringPasses

{ get; set; }


Irrelevant in case of a point location operation.
During a filtering pass, the points that are too distant from the model are discarded.
During a model fitting operation, the "filtering" process can be invoked to remove outliers, i.e. points that were located significantly far away from the fitted model (so that their position is dubious).
By default (the number of filtering passes is 0), the outliers rejection process is disabled.

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