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Approximate distance between sampled points during a model fitting operation.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


float GetSamplingStep()

void SetSamplingStep(float f32SamplingStep)


Irrelevant in case of a point location operation.
To fit a model, a series of point location operations are performed along the model. The point location gauges spacing is given by the sampling step.
By default, the sampling step is set to 5, which means 5 pixels when the field of view is not calibrated, and 5 physical units in case of a calibrated field of view.
Be aware that if the sampling step is too large, the number of sampled points along the model will not be sufficient enough to accurately locate it.


Approximate distance between sampled points during a model fitting operation.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


float SamplingStep

{ get; set; }


Irrelevant in case of a point location operation.
To fit a model, a series of point location operations are performed along the model. The point location gauges spacing is given by the sampling step.
By default, the sampling step is set to 5, which means 5 pixels when the field of view is not calibrated, and 5 physical units in case of a calibrated field of view.
Be aware that if the sampling step is too large, the number of sampled points along the model will not be sufficient enough to accurately locate it.

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