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Index (from 0 on) of the transition to be retained when the transition choice parameter is set to NthFromBegin or NthFromEnd.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


OEV_UINT32 GetTransitionIndex()

void SetTransitionIndex(OEV_UINT32 un32TransitionIndex)


Several peaks may be detected along a point location gauge. This parameter helps to select the desired transition.
By default, the first transition is retained (the index value is 0).


Index (from 0 on) of the transition to be retained when the transition choice parameter is set to NthFromBegin or NthFromEnd.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


uint TransitionIndex

{ get; set; }


Several peaks may be detected along a point location gauge. This parameter helps to select the desired transition.
By default, the first transition is retained (the index value is 0).

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