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ERegion Class

Manages a complete context for a ERegion (Abritrary Shaped ROI)

Derived Class(es): EEllipseRegion ECircleRegion EPolygonRegion ERectangleRegion

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


Creates a new ERegion by cropping the ERegion runs within a given area.
Moves the specified handle to a new position and updates all placement parameters of the region.
Draws the ERegion shape.
Draws the ERegion contour.
Draws the ERegion contour with the current pen.
Draws the region handles.
Draws the region handles with the current pen.
Draws the ERegion area.
Constructs an ERegion context.
Bounding box height.
Bounding box origin abscissa.
Bounding box origin ordinate.
Bounding box width.
Graphical edition mode
Runs of the region
Detects if the cursor is placed over one of the dragging handles.
Creates a new ERegion by intersecting two ERegion.
Loads the ERegion. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if this ERegion instance is not strictly equal to another (order of the runs included)
Assignment operator.
Checks if this ERegion instance is strictly equal to another (order of the runs included)
Computes the values necessary for the ERegion to be used during processing.
Saves the ERegion. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Graphical edition mode
Runs of the region
Creates a new ERegion by substracting one ERegion from another.
Exports the ERegion to a mask-type image.
Creates a new ERegion by combining two ERegion.

ERegion Class

Manages a complete context for a ERegion (Abritrary Shaped ROI)

Derived Class(es): EEllipseRegion ECircleRegion EPolygonRegion ERectangleRegion

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Bounding box height.
Bounding box origin abscissa.
Bounding box origin ordinate.
Bounding box width.
Graphical edition mode
Runs of the region


Creates a new ERegion by cropping the ERegion runs within a given area.
Moves the specified handle to a new position and updates all placement parameters of the region.
Draws the ERegion shape.
Draws the ERegion contour.
Draws the ERegion contour with the current pen.
Draws the region handles.
Draws the region handles with the current pen.
Draws the ERegion area.
Constructs an ERegion context.
Detects if the cursor is placed over one of the dragging handles.
Creates a new ERegion by intersecting two ERegion.
Loads the ERegion. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Checks if this ERegion instance is not strictly equal to another (order of the runs included)
Assignment operator.
Checks if this ERegion instance is strictly equal to another (order of the runs included)
Computes the values necessary for the ERegion to be used during processing.
Saves the ERegion. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Creates a new ERegion by substracting one ERegion from another.
Exports the ERegion to a mask-type image.
Creates a new ERegion by combining two ERegion.

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