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EWorldShape Class

Manages a complete context for calibrating a field of view.

Base Class: EShape

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


Adds a new pair of points coordinates (in Sensor and World spaces) to the set of landmarks used for calibration.
Adds a new point coordinates (in Sensor space) to the set of grid points used for calibration.
Returns the best calibration modes for the current calibration grid and calibrates the field of view accordingly.
Performs an automatic calibration based on a dot grid image.
Returns the best calibration modes for the current landmark set and calibrates the field of view accordingly.
Performs a calibration according to the specified combination of calibration modes.
Getter method for the CalibrationSucceeded property. This property is the flag indicating if the calibration has succeeded (TRUE), that is whether the mean variation of grid points (distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) and the maximum variation of grid points are between given tolerances.
Find the daughter shape that is the closest to this shape. To retrieve the closest shape, use EShape::ClosestShape.
Enables all shape types
Moves a handle to a new position and updates the position parameters of the shape.
Moves the landmark to a new position.
Draws the world coordinate axis.
Draws a regular grid of crosses in world coordinates.
Draws a regular grid of crosses in world coordinates.
Draws the reconstructed grid to be used for grid calibration.
Draws the reconstructed grid to be used for grid calibration.
Draws the landmarks to be used for landmark calibration.
Draws the world coordinate axis.
Resets the landmark specification sequence.
Enables the filter of the specified shape type
Constructs a EWorldShape object.
Tilt X angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the X-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Current calibration mode, made from a combination of values.
Position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor position of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Horizontal position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor abscissa of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Vertical position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor ordinate of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Optical distortion strength, i.e. the ratio of the image diagonal length with and without optical distortion introduced by the lens.
Optical distortion strength of the second order.
Field-of-view height, in physical units.
Field-of-view width, in physical units.
Maximum variation of grid points (maximum distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space), normalized using the pitch values, after a call to EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded
Grid points maximum variation threshold, that is the value above which the maximum variation of grid points (maximum distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Mean variation of grid points (mean distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space), normalized using the pitch values, after a call to EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Grid points mean variation threshold, that is the value above which the mean variation of grid points (mean distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Returns the landmark selected by EWorldShape::HitLandmarks or ~0 if no landmark is selected.
Returns the landmark element corresponding to the given index.
Returns the number of landmark elements.
Current horizontal panning factor for drawing operations.
Current vertical panning factor for drawing operations.
Perspective effect coefficient, that is the inverse of the observation distance.
XResolution/YResolution ratio.
The scale of the frame.
Logical image height, that is the number of pixels vertically.
Logical image width, that is the number of pixels horizontally.
Tilt X angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the X-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Tilt Y angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the Y-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Shape type.
Horizontal sensor resolution, in pixels per unit.
Vertical sensor resolution, in pixels per unit.
Current horizontal zooming factor for drawing operations.
Current vertical zooming factor for drawing operations.
Checks if the cursor is placed over a landmark point.
Checks if there is a handle under the cursor.
Copies all the data from another EWorldShape object into the current EWorldShape object
Reconstructs the grid of points from the given dot centers, to compute the World coordinates of the points.
Removes a landmark.
Performs coordinate transform for arbitrary points from Sensor space to World space.
Tilt X angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the X-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Current calibration mode, made from a combination of values.
Position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor position of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor position of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Sets the optical distortion parameters
Sets the field of view size in physical units.
Grid points maximum variation threshold, that is the value above which the maximum variation of grid points (maximum distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Grid points mean variation threshold, that is the value above which the mean variation of grid points (mean distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Sets the horizontal and vertical panning factors for drawing operations.
Sets the perspective effect coefficient, i.e. the inverse of the observation distance.
XResolution/YResolution ratio.
Sets the sensor resolution in pixels per unit in both directions.
The scale of the frame.
Initializes the calibration object using all given parameters.
Sets the logical image size, i.e. the number of pixels horizontally and vertically.
Sets the frame size.
Prepares a lookup table for fast image unwarping.
Sets the horizontal and vertical zooming factors for drawing operations.
Unwarps a distorted image using the current calibration model.
Performs coordinate transform for arbitrary points from World space to Sensor space.

EWorldShape Class

Manages a complete context for calibrating a field of view.

Base Class: EShape

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Tilt X angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the X-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Current calibration mode, made from a combination of values.
Position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor position of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Horizontal position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor abscissa of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Vertical position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor ordinate of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Optical distortion strength, i.e. the ratio of the image diagonal length with and without optical distortion introduced by the lens.
Optical distortion strength of the second order.
Field-of-view height, in physical units.
Field-of-view width, in physical units.
Maximum variation of grid points (maximum distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space), normalized using the pitch values, after a call to EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded
Grid points maximum variation threshold, that is the value above which the maximum variation of grid points (maximum distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Mean variation of grid points (mean distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space), normalized using the pitch values, after a call to EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Grid points mean variation threshold, that is the value above which the mean variation of grid points (mean distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) is considered too high, and thus marks the calibration as a failure when using EWorldShape::CalibrationSucceeded.
Returns the landmark selected by EWorldShape::HitLandmarks or ~0 if no landmark is selected.
Returns the number of landmark elements.
Current horizontal panning factor for drawing operations.
Current vertical panning factor for drawing operations.
Perspective effect coefficient, that is the inverse of the observation distance.
XResolution/YResolution ratio.
The scale of the frame.
Logical image height, that is the number of pixels vertically.
Logical image width, that is the number of pixels horizontally.
Tilt X angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the X-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Tilt Y angle, that is the amplitude of the rotation applied around the Y-axis of the sensor to bring the optical (Z) axis perpendicular to the field of view.
Shape type.
Horizontal sensor resolution, in pixels per unit.
Vertical sensor resolution, in pixels per unit.
Current horizontal zooming factor for drawing operations.
Current vertical zooming factor for drawing operations.


Adds a new pair of points coordinates (in Sensor and World spaces) to the set of landmarks used for calibration.
Adds a new point coordinates (in Sensor space) to the set of grid points used for calibration.
Returns the best calibration modes for the current calibration grid and calibrates the field of view accordingly.
Performs an automatic calibration based on a dot grid image.
Returns the best calibration modes for the current landmark set and calibrates the field of view accordingly.
Performs a calibration according to the specified combination of calibration modes.
Getter method for the CalibrationSucceeded property. This property is the flag indicating if the calibration has succeeded (TRUE), that is whether the mean variation of grid points (distance between computed grid points and ideal grid points in world space) and the maximum variation of grid points are between given tolerances.
Find the daughter shape that is the closest to this shape. To retrieve the closest shape, use EShape::ClosestShape.
Enables all shape types
Moves a handle to a new position and updates the position parameters of the shape.
Moves the landmark to a new position.
Draws the world coordinate axis.
Draws a regular grid of crosses in world coordinates.
Draws a regular grid of crosses in world coordinates.
Draws the reconstructed grid to be used for grid calibration.
Draws the reconstructed grid to be used for grid calibration.
Draws the landmarks to be used for landmark calibration.
Draws the world coordinate axis.
Resets the landmark specification sequence.
Enables the filter of the specified shape type
Constructs a EWorldShape object.
Returns the landmark element corresponding to the given index.
Checks if the cursor is placed over a landmark point.
Checks if there is a handle under the cursor.
Copies all the data from another EWorldShape object into the current EWorldShape object
Reconstructs the grid of points from the given dot centers, to compute the World coordinates of the points.
Removes a landmark.
Performs coordinate transform for arbitrary points from Sensor space to World space.
Position of the origin point of the reference frame as projected onto the image, i.e. the Sensor position of the point at World coordinates (0,0).
Sets the optical distortion parameters
Sets the field of view size in physical units.
Sets the horizontal and vertical panning factors for drawing operations.
Sets the perspective effect coefficient, i.e. the inverse of the observation distance.
Sets the sensor resolution in pixels per unit in both directions.
Initializes the calibration object using all given parameters.
Sets the logical image size, i.e. the number of pixels horizontally and vertically.
Sets the frame size.
Prepares a lookup table for fast image unwarping.
Sets the horizontal and vertical zooming factors for drawing operations.
Unwarps a distorted image using the current calibration model.
Performs coordinate transform for arbitrary points from World space to Sensor space.

See also in the Code Snippets

Calibration using EWorldShape

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