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Sets the width and height of the EZMap.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10::Easy3D


void SetSize(
   OEV_INT32 width,
   OEV_INT32 height

void SetSize(
   const EZMap& other



The new requested width.


The new requested height.


The other ZMap whose dimensions have to be used for the current object.


Open eVision will allocate a new image buffer (deallocate the old image buffer) if the supplied width and height are different from the existing ones.
If an external buffer has been specified by means of SetImagePtr, it will be kept only if the size does not change.
Creating a new Open eVision image buffer and setting its size creates a 4-byte aligned buffer, by default. The size of an ZMap is specified as a number of columns (width) and rows (height).
The maximum image dimensions are 32767 by 32767. Furthermore, it must fit into the available memory, that depends upon the physical memory, the operating system and the memory already allocated by the process in other modules or libraries.


Sets the width and height of the EZMap.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10.Easy3D


void SetSize(
   int width,
   int height

void SetSize(
   Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10.Easy3D.EZMap other



The new requested width.


The new requested height.


The other ZMap whose dimensions have to be used for the current object.


Open eVision will allocate a new image buffer (deallocate the old image buffer) if the supplied width and height are different from the existing ones.
If an external buffer has been specified by means of SetImagePtr, it will be kept only if the size does not change.
Creating a new Open eVision image buffer and setting its size creates a 4-byte aligned buffer, by default. The size of an ZMap is specified as a number of columns (width) and rows (height).
The maximum image dimensions are 32767 by 32767. Furthermore, it must fit into the available memory, that depends upon the physical memory, the operating system and the memory already allocated by the process in other modules or libraries.

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