3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422 and
3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422

3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422 and 3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422 are not recommended for new designs!

Compatible with Closed1628 Grablink Duo, 3602 Coaxlink Octo, 3603 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12, 3603-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12, 3620 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG, 3620-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG, 3621 Coaxlink Mono CXP-12, 3621-LH Coaxlink Mono CXP-12 LH, 3622 Coaxlink Duo CXP-12, 3622-LH Coaxlink Duo CXP-12 LH, 3623 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 Value, 3624 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 DF and 3625 Coaxlink QSFP+.

The 3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422 and the 3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422 accessories are I/O extension modules to be used with frame grabber cards having an I/O extension connector.

These modules extend the I/O capabilities of the frame grabber with a configurable mix of 4 types of I/O ports:

single-ended 5 V compliant TTL input
single-ended 3.3 V LVTTL (3610 only) or 5 V CMOS (3612 only) output
differential RS-422 input
differential RS-422 output

The 3610 and the 3612 I/O extension modules are almost identical!
They differ only by the electrical specification of the single-ended outputs: low-voltage 3.3 V TTL for 3610, 5 V CMOS for 3612.

These modules:

are powered by the frame grabber through the I/O EXTENSION cable.
are software configurable There are no jumpers.
provide a persistent configuration. The last configuration is automatically restored at power-up

Hot plugging is not allowed!

3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422

3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422


External I/O Connector - 3610/3612
I/O Extension Connector
Internal I/O Connector - 3610/3612
External I/O connector
Robust 26-pin high-density Sub-D
Compatible pin layout with External I/O connectors of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers for 12 V/GND and signals pairs
Internal I/O connector
Standard pitch 26-pin flat cable header
Compatible pin layout with Internal I/O connectors of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers for 12 V/GND and signals pairs
I/O Extension connector
Fine pitch 26-pin flat cable header fitted with the I/O Extension cable: a 150 mm length flat cable for direct connection to the I/O Extension connector of compatible frame grabbers

Activity LED #1 on bracket

The ACTIVITY LED #1 is dedicated to the activity of input ports

LED State Meaning
Green Normal mode - Flashing indicates activity on at least one input.
Orange Configuration mode
Red Error - The I/O module is not (yet) controlled by the frame grabber
Off The I/O module is not powered

Activity LED #2 on bracket

The ACTIVITY LED #2 is dedicated to the activity of output ports

LED State Meaning
Green Normal mode - Flashing indicates activity on at least one output.
Orange Configuration mode
Red Error - The I/O module is not (yet) controlled by the frame grabber
Off The I/O module is not powered

Status LED on board

The STATUS LED is dedicated to the activity of the I/O extension bus

LED State Meaning
Solid green Normal mode - No activity on the bus.
Flashing green Normal mode - Activity on the I/O extension bus.
Flashing orange Configuration mode - Activity on the I/O extension bus.
Flashing red Configuration mode - No activity on the I/O extension bus
Off The I/O module is not powered

Electrical specifications

Specification Item Product
3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422 3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422
Differential I/O Differential Input/Output
Single-ended I/O TTL Input/Output (Version 2) TTL Input/5 V CMOS Output
Power output I/O Power Output
Power consumption < 5 W

I/O configuration capabilities and constraints

  Group   Single-ended I/O   Differential
I/O# Input Output I/O# Input Output
Group #1 MIO1 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO1 4 x RS-422 in 4 x RS-422 out
MIO3 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO3
MIO5 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO5
MIO7 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO7
Group #2 MIO9 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO9 4 x RS-422 in 4 x RS-422 out
MIO11 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO11
MIO13 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO13
MIO15 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO15
Group #3 MIO17 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO17 4 x RS-422 in 4 x RS-422 out
MIO19 2 x TTL in 2 x TTL out MIO19

The 20 I/O ports are configurable by group. There are 3 groups:

The group #1 contains 8 single-ended I/O ports named MIO1 to MIO8 OR 4 differential I/O ports MIO1, MIO3, MIO5, MIO7.
The group #2 contains 8 single-ended I/O ports named MIO9 to MIO16 OR 4 differential I/O ports MIO9, MIO11, MIO13, MIO15.
The group #3 contains 4 single-ended I/O ports named MIO17 to MIO20 OR 2 differential I/O ports MIO17 and MIO19.

Within a group, it is allowed to set all the I/O ports:

for differential input operation OR ...
for differential output operationOR ...
for single-ended operation.

When the group is set for single-ended operation, it is allowed to set each pair of single-ended I/O:

for input operation OR ...
for output operation.

The configuration is saved into a non-volatile memory on the I/O module. The configuration is automatically restored after applying power.

Software configuration

The IOExtensionModule category of the Interface module provides a set of features to configure the 3610/3612 I/O extension modules:

IOExtensionModuleConfiguration to enter/leave configuration mode
IOExtensionModuleLineSelector to select a MIO to configure
IOExtensionModuleLineFormat, IOExtensionModuleLineMode and IOExtensionModuleLineStatus to configure the selected MIO
IOExtensionModuleLineToRepair and IOExtensionModuleErrorCount to help troubleshoot an invalid current configuration.

Configuration procedure

1. Select an Interface module
2. Enter the configuration mode: set IOExtensionModuleConfiguration to Begin
3. Select the I/O line to configure: set IOExtensionModuleLineSelector to the desired value (MIO1 to MIO20)
4. Select the single-ended or differential I/O line format
For a single-ended I/O, set IOExtensionModuleLineFormat to TTL
For a differential I/O, set IOExtensionModuleLineFormat to DIFF
5. Select the input or output I/O line mode:
For an input, set IOExtensionModuleLineMode to Input
For an output, set IOExtensionModuleLineMode to Output
6. Repeat from steps 3 for all I/O's to configure
7. Verify the validity of the configuration
Get the value of IOExtensionModuleErrorCount
If 0, the configuration is OK, proceed to next step
If greater than 0, the configuration is NOK, proceed to step 10
8. Record the configuration
Set IOExtensionModuleConfiguration to Commit
The procedure is complete!
9. Repair the configuration
Get the value of IOExtensionModuleLineToRepair
Read I/O configuration capabilities and constraints to determine why the indicated MIO doesn’t satisfy the configuration constraints.
Adapt the configuration of one (or more) I/O's accordingly by proceeding from step 3 .

GenApi Features

The IOExtensionModuleInformation category of the Interface module provides information details.
