Welcome to Coaxlink series mini-site


What's new in Coaxlink series?

Revised Custom C2C-Link Ribbon Cable Assembly and C2C-Link Electrical Specification topics
Revised FFC in Coaxlink frame grabbers topic: 32 kB BRAM for FFC processing on line-scan firmware variants of 1633 Coaxlink Quad G3 and 1633-LH Coaxlink Quad G3 LH
Revised I/O Control Blocks and new Line Source Divider topics
Revised Image Data Unscrambling topic: new 1X_1Y2 and 1X_1Y3 stripe arrangements

See also: eGrabber Release Notes on the main site


This mini-site is dedicated to the Coaxlink series of CoaXPress frame grabbers and their accessories.

Refer to the Getting Started section for instructions to setup Coaxlink frame grabbers.
Refer to the Functional Guide section for an exhaustive functional description of all Coaxlink frame grabbers and their accessories.
Refer to the Hardware Manual section for mechanical, electrical and environmental specifications of all Coaxlink frame grabbers and their accessories.
Refer to the GenApi Features section for a reference manual of the GenApi features exposed by coaxlink.cti for all Coaxlink frame grabbers.
In the Resources section, refer to:
The Product and Firmware Selector for an interactive data table to view all the essential features of all the firmware variants of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers.
The Product Properties Sheets of each product.

Change site

Products list

Product code and name Icon PPS
1629 Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104-EMB
1630 Coaxlink Mono
1631 Coaxlink Duo
1632 Coaxlink Quad
1633 Coaxlink Quad G3
1633-LH Coaxlink Quad G3 LH
1635 Coaxlink Quad G3 DF
1637 Coaxlink Quad 3D-LLE
3602 Coaxlink Octo
3603 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12
3603-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12
3620 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG
3620-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG
3621 Coaxlink Mono CXP-12
3621-LH Coaxlink Mono CXP-12 LH
3622 Coaxlink Duo CXP-12
3622-LH Coaxlink Duo CXP-12 LH
3623 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 Value
3624 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 DF
3625 Coaxlink QSFP+
1625 DB25F I/O Adapter Cable
1636 InterPC C2C-Link Adapter
3300 HD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104
3301 Thermal drain (Model 1) for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104
3302 DIN1.0/2.3 Coaxial cable for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104
3303 C2C-Link Ribbon Cable
3304 HD26F I/O Adapter Cable
3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422
3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422
3613 JTAG Adapter Xilinx for Coaxlink
3614 HD26F I/O Extension Module - Standard I/O Set
3618 HD26F I/O Extension Module - Fast I/O