Welcome to Coaxlink series mini-site
What's new in Coaxlink series?
● | Revised CoaXPress I/O Channel topic: add device-to-host trigger |
● | Revised FFC IP Core Description: also for line-scan cameras |
● | Added Trigger to Line Latency Compensation topic |
See also: eGrabber Release Notes on the main site
This mini-site is dedicated to the Coaxlink series of CoaXPress frame grabbers and their accessories.
● | Refer to the Getting Started section for instructions to setup Coaxlink frame grabbers. |
● | Refer to the Functional Guide section for an exhaustive functional description of all Coaxlink frame grabbers and their accessories. |
● | Refer to the Hardware Manual section for mechanical, electrical and environmental specifications of all Coaxlink frame grabbers and their accessories. |
● | Refer to the GenApi Features section for a reference manual of the GenApi features exposed by coaxlink.cti for all Coaxlink frame grabbers. |
● | In the Resources section, refer to: |
□ | The Product and Firmware Selector for an interactive data table to view all the essential features of all the firmware variants of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers. |
□ | The Product Properties Sheets of each product. |
Products list
Product code and name | Icon | PPS |
1629 Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104-EMB | ↗ | |
1630 Coaxlink Mono | ↗ | |
1631 Coaxlink Duo | ↗ | |
1632 Coaxlink Quad | ↗ | |
1633 Coaxlink Quad G3 | ↗ | |
1633-LH Coaxlink Quad G3 LH | ↗ | |
1635 Coaxlink Quad G3 DF | ↗ | |
1637 Coaxlink Quad 3D-LLE | ↗ | |
3602 Coaxlink Octo | ↗ | |
3603 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 | ↗ | |
3603-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 | ↗ | |
3620 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG | ↗ | |
3620-4 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 JPEG | ↗ | |
3621 Coaxlink Mono CXP-12 | ↗ | |
3621-LH Coaxlink Mono CXP-12 LH | ↗ | |
3622 Coaxlink Duo CXP-12 | ↗ | |
3622-LH Coaxlink Duo CXP-12 LH | ↗ | |
3623 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 Value | ↗ | |
3624 Coaxlink Quad CXP-12 DF | ↗ | |
3625 Coaxlink QSFP+ | ↗ | |
1625 DB25F I/O Adapter Cable | ↗ | |
1636 InterPC C2C-Link Adapter | ↗ | |
3300 HD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104 | ↗ | |
3301 Thermal drain (Model 1) for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104 | ↗ | |
3302 DIN1.0/2.3 Coaxial cable for Coaxlink Duo PCIe/104 | ↗ | |
3303 C2C-Link Ribbon Cable | ↗ | |
3304 HD26F I/O Adapter Cable | ↗ | |
3610 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-RS422 | ↗ | |
3612 HD26F I/O Extension Module - TTL-CMOS5V-RS422 | ↗ | |
3613 JTAG Adapter Xilinx for Coaxlink | ↗ | |
3614 HD26F I/O Extension Module - Standard I/O Set | ↗ | |
3618 HD26F I/O Extension Module - Fast I/O | ↗ |