Multi-Stream Acquisition

Applies to the following firmware variants of Closed1633 Coaxlink Quad G3 and 1633-LH Coaxlink Quad G3 LH.

(1-camera, 4-data-stream)

4-data-stream concurrent acquisition

The 1-camera, 4-data-stream firmware variant of 1633 Coaxlink Quad G3 and 1633-LH Coaxlink Quad G3 LH allows to connect one area-scan CoaXPress camera that delivers up to 4 independent data streams.

The frame grabber sorts the incoming CoaXPress data blocks according to the value of the 2 least significant bits of the CoaXPress StreamID and feeds four independent data paths.

Each data path is capable of handling the full CoaXPress link bandwidth, namely 2.5 Gigabytes/s.

It includes:

1. A 256 MB image data partition,
2. A pixel processor that allows to align 10/12/14-bit data to the LSB or to the MSB of a 16-bit container,
3. A DMA engine that transfers image data directly to the user memory space of the Host PC.

The multistream sample program shows how to create 4 instances of EGrabber and start acquisition on 4 concurrent data streams.