Horizontal Image Flipping

Applies to the following firmware variants of Closed3602 Coaxlink Octo.

(2-camera, line-scan), (2-camera, line-scan, custom-logic)


Horizontal image flipping

The horizontal image flipping function swaps the order of the pixels one each line of the image:

The image content is flipped as shown in the above drawing.
The leftmost pixel or an image line is moved to the rightmost position.
The rightmost pixel or an image line is moved to the leftmost position.
Line padding is excluded from the operation.
For RGB and RGBa, the component order remains unchanged

Data Stream setup

The ReverseX GenApi feature in the ImageFormatControl Category of the Coaxlink Data Stream module controls the horizontal image flipping.

When left to its default value the image horizontal flipping is disabled.
When set to True, the image horizontal flipping is enabled


The horizontal image flipping function can be enabled only if following conditions area all satisfied

1. The product firmware variant provides the function.
2. The image width doesn't exceed 48 kilobytes, namely:
a. 49,152 monochrome or Bayer CFA pixels of 8-bit
b. 24,576 monochrome or Bayer CFA pixels of 10-/12-/14- or 16-bit
c. 16,384 RGB pixels of 8-bit
d. 8,192 RGB pixels of 10-/12-/14- or 16-bit
e. 12,288 RGBa pixels of 8-bit
f. 6,144 RGBa pixels of 10-/12-/14- or 16-bit


When the horizontal image flipping function is enabled:

1. the Pixel Component Unpacking control is inoperative, the Coaxlink card unpacks 10-bit, 12-bit or 14-bit pixels to lsb
2. The Image width increment step is 4 Bytes
3. For Bayer CFA pixel formats , the color pattern changes as following:
a. BayerGB -> BayerBG
b. BayerBG -> BayerGB
c. BayerGR -> BayerRG
d. BayerRG -> BayerGR