C2C-Link Synchronization Tool

Applies to all firmware variants of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers
Tool Name Short Name Inputs Count/Type Outputs Count/Type/Name
C2C-Link Synchronization Tool C2C

1 or 2 event streams

1 event stream: C2C<i>


C2C tool functional and wiring diagram

The C2C-Link Synchronization tool (C2C) tool delivers one event stream to the C2C-Link Bus driver. It includes the following blocks:

A source selector
A clock source selector
An event synchronizer with clear control


Source selector

The source selector selects the event stream applied to the tool input (In). It provides following options:

On C2C1 instance only: Cycle Trigger event stream driven by the Camera and Illumination controller.
On C2C2 and C2C3 instances only: any I/O toolbox event.

Synchronizer control

The clock source selector controls the event stream synchronization:

When C2CLinkSynchronizationToolClock is set to Immediate, the event stream applied to the input (In) is sent immediately to the output.
On C2C2 and C2C3 instances only: when C2CLinkSynchronizationToolClock is set to CycleTrigger, the event is latched and delayed until the following Cycle Trigger event.
On C2C2 and C2C3 instances only: when C2CLinkSynchronizationToolClock is set to StartOfCameraReadout, the event is latched and delayed until the following Start of Camera Readout event.

The C2CLinkSynchronizationToolDiscardPendingEvent command discards an event that has been received but that has not been forwarded.

Area-scan firmware variants provide 2 instances of the C2C tool; line-scan firmware variants provide 3 instances!