Delay Tool

Applies to all firmware variants of Coaxlink and Grablink Duo frame grabbers
Tool Name Short Name Inputs Count/Type Outputs Count/Type/Name
Delay Tool DEL

2 Toolbox event streams

1 clock signal
2 Toolbox event stream: DEL<i>1, DEL<i>2


DEL tool functional and wiring diagram

Any I/O Toolbox event stream can be selected as the input 1 source.

Any I/O Toolbox event stream can be selected as the input 2 source.

The tool feeds two I/O Toolbox event streams. The outputs of the tool instance <i> are named DEL<i>1 and DEL<i>2.


The event streams applied on either inputs (In1 and In2) are replicated on the corresponding output (Out1 and Out2) after a configurable number of clock tick events.

The sources are selected by DelayToolSource1 and DelayToolSource2 respectively.

The same delay applies to both channels. The common delay is defined by DelayToolDelayValue.

The same clock source applies to both channels. The clock source is defined by DelayToolClockSource. It can be a time base , a Line Tool event stream, or a Quadrature Decoder Tool event stream.

Selecting a time base implements a time delay function. The available time bases are:

8NS: A 125 MHz high accuracy regular time base allowing delays from 40 nanoseconds up to 134 milliseconds by steps of 8 nanoseconds
200NS: A 5 MHz high accuracy regular time base allowing delays from 200 nanoseconds up to 3.35 seconds by steps of 200 nanoseconds
1US: A 1 MHz high accuracy regular time base allowing delays from 1 microsecond up to 16.7 seconds by steps of 1 microsecond

Selecting a line tool event stream implements a position offset function when the line tool is fed by a motion encoder device. Any available Line Input tool or Quadrature Decoder tool can be used as delay clock source. The delay range is 1 up to 16,777,215 events.

The Delay tool operates as a delay line. The tool may accept a new event while the previous one is not yet delivered! The Delay tool is capable of recording, globally for all channels, up to 16 distinct events.

DEL tool waveforms