Correcting Shear Effect



Following this tutorial, you will learn how to use EasyImage to correct a shear effect in an image. The following image is taken by a line-scan camera. The camera sensor was misaligned, resulting in a so-called shear effect.

You'll need first to load an image (step 1), create a destination image (step 2), and then set pivots parameters to perform the correction (step 3).


Source image, with a shear effect (left) and corrected image (right)

Step 1: Load the source image

1. From the main menu, click EasyImage, then Register.
2. Click the Open icon of the Source Image area, and load the image file EasyImage\Shear.tif.
3. Keep the default variable name for the new image object In a general content, the term object should be understood with the meaning of a class instance. In EasyObject, an object is a maximally-sized area of adjacent connected pixels belonging to the layer foreground., and click OK. Three pivots points appear in the image.

Step 2: Create a destination image

1. Click the New icon of the Destination Image area.
2. Enter '768' and '576' as image width and height, and click OK to accept the default name. Three pivots points appear in the image.

Step 3: Set the pivots parameters

1. In the source image, using the mouse, drag each pivot to the center of the fiducial marks (the dots around the U18 area).

Notice that the source pivots coordinates, in the Register dialog box, have changed accordingly.

2. To correct the image, enter the following destination pivots coordinates:
X0: 170
Y0: 495
X1: 470
Y1: 495
X2: 170
Y2: 144
3. Click Execute to perform the operation.