Detecting the Corners of an Object Using Hit-and-Miss Transform

Hit-and-Miss Transform


Following this tutorial, you will learn how to use EasyImage to detect top corners in an image, using the hit-and-miss transform.

You'll need to load a source image (step 1), set the kernel that represents a top corner (step 2), and then set a destination image and simply execute the hit-and-miss transform (step 3).


Source image (left) and top corner detected in the source image (white dot)

Step 1: Load the source image

1. From the main menu, click EasyImage, then Hit And Miss.
2. Click the Open icon of the Source Image area, and load the image file EasyImage\Diamond.bmp.
3. Keep the default variable name, and click OK.

Step 2: Set the hit-and-miss kernel

In the Hit And Miss dialog box, set the kernel according to the following values:

Kernel that detects top corners

Step 3: Apply the hit-and-miss transform

1. Click the New icon of the Destination Image area.
2. Keep the default parameters and variable name, and click OK.
3. Click Execute to perform the operation.

The top corner (white dot) is detected.

4. Try with other kernel configurations to detect the other corners.