Extracting a Vector Using Profile Function

Profile Sampling


Following this tutorial, you will learn how to use EasyImage to detect scratches.

You'll need first to load an image (step 1), set a destination vector, and detect the scratches (step 2).

Scratches can be detected using a profile

Step 1: Load the source image

From the main menu, click EasyImage, then Profile.

1. Click the Open icon of the Source Image area, and load the image file EasyImage\Plastic.tif.
2. Keep the default variable name for the new image object In a general content, the term object should be understood with the meaning of a class instance. In EasyObject, an object is a maximally-sized area of adjacent connected pixels belonging to the layer foreground., and click OK.

Step 2: Set the destination vector and detecting the scratches

1. Click the New icon in the Destination Vector area.
2. Select the BW8 option for the vector type, and click OK.
3. A profile appears on the image (red line segment). In the destination vector window, vector values correspond to pixels along the line segment.

The scratch is detected as a sharp deviation in the vector graph.

4. Using the mouse, drag the handles to move or resize the red line segment, and observe the plot evolution.

The sharp deviation appears whenever the line segment is placed across the scratch.