Performing Color Segmentation

Color Components


Following this tutorial, you will learn how to use EasyImage to perform color segmentation.

You'll need first to load an image (step 1), create a color look-up table (step 2), and perform the segmentation (step 3).

Source image

Segmented image

Step 1: Load the source image

1. From the main menu, click EasyColor, then Threshold.
2. Click the Open icon of the Source Image area, and load the image file EasyColor\Pills.tif.
3. Keep the default variable name for the new image object, and click OK.
4. Disable the Preview Mode check-box to see the raw source image.

Step 2: Create a color lookup table

1. Click the New icon of the Color Lookup area.
2. Keep the default variable name for the new color lookup object, and click OK.

Step 3: Perform the color segmentation

1. Select LSH from the Color System drop-down list.
2. In the source image, click in the center of a green pill. The pixel lightness, saturation and hue values are updated in the Color Threshold dialog box.
3. Increase the lightness tolerance up to 120. Increase the saturation tolerance up to 50.
4. Enable the Preview Mode check-box to see the result of the segmentation. If needed, click in the green pills to improve the result.
5. Click the New icon of the Destination Image area.
6. Keep the default settings for the new Image object, and click OK.
7. The new image is automatically thresholded. Clicking Execute will insert the corresponding code into the script windows.