Arithmetic and Logic Operations

Functional Guide | Reference: Oper

// This code snippet shows how to apply miscellaneous //
// arithmetic and logic operations to images.         //

// Images constructor
EImageBW8 srcGray0, srcGray1, dstGray;
EImageC24 srcColor, dstColor;

// ...

// All images must have the same size
// ...

// Subtract srcGray1 from srcGray0
EasyImage::Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation_Subtract, &srcGray0, &srcGray1, &dstGray);

// Multiply srcGray0 by a constant value
EasyImage::Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation_Multiply, &srcGray0, (EBW8)2, &dstGray);

// Add a constant value to srcColor
EasyImage::Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation_Add, &srcColor, EC24(128,64,196), &dstColor);

// Erase (blacken) the destination image where the source image is black
EasyImage::Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation_SetZero, &srcGray0, (EBW8)0, &dstGray);
// This code snippet shows how to apply miscellaneous //
// arithmetic and logic operations to images.         //

// Images constructor
EImageBW8 srcGray0= new EImageBW8();
EImageBW8 srcGray1= new EImageBW8();
EImageBW8 dstGray= new EImageBW8();
EImageC24 srcColor= new EImageC24();
EImageC24 dstColor= new EImageC24();

EBW8 bw8Constant = new EBW8(2);
EC24 c24Constant = new EC24(128, 64, 196);

// ...

// All images must have the same size

// Subtract srcGray1 from srcGray0
EasyImage.Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation.Subtract, srcGray0, srcGray1, dstGray);

// Multiply srcGray0 by a constant value
EasyImage.Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation.Multiply, srcGray0, bw8Constant, dstGray);

// Add a constant value to srcColor
EasyImage.Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation.Add, srcColor, c24Constant, dstColor);

// Erase (blacken) the destination image where the source image is black
bw8Constant.Value = (byte)0;
EasyImage.Oper(EArithmeticLogicOperation.SetZero, srcGray0, bw8Constant, dstGray);