Profile Sampling

Functional Guide | Reference: ImageToLineSegment, LineSegmentToImage

// This code snippet shows how to set, retrieve and store   //
// the pixel values along a given line segment.             //

// Image constructor
EImageBW8 srcImage;

// ...

// Vector constructor
EBW8Vector profile;

// Get the image data along segment (10,510)-(500,40)
EasyImage::ImageToLineSegment(&srcImage, &profile, 10, 510, 500, 40);

// Set all these points to white (255) in the image
EasyImage::LineSegmentToImage(&srcImage, 255, 10, 510, 500, 40);
// This code snippet shows how to set, retrieve and store   //
// the pixel values along a given line segment.             //

// Image constructor
EImageBW8 srcImage= new EImageBW8();

// ...

// Vector constructor
EBW8Vector profile= new EBW8Vector();

// Get the image data along segment (10,512)-(500,40)
EasyImage.ImageToLineSegment(srcImage, profile, 10, 512, 500, 40);

// Set all these points to white (255) in the image
EBW8 white = new EBW8(255);
EasyImage.LineSegmentToImage(srcImage, white, 10, 512, 500, 40);