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[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\Image Processing\Region


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Create an ERegion and use it to restrict Open eVision processing to its domain.

Code highlights

1. Create an ERegion with the desired geometrical shape.
_region = new EPolygonRegion(...);
_region = new ERectangleRegion(...);
_region = new ECircleRegion(...);
_region = new EEllipseRegion(...);
2. Retrieve the handle at the given coordinates so you can later move it to new coordinates and modify the ERegion.
handle = _region.HitTest(x, y);
3. Move the previously retrieved handle to a new position to modify the ERegion.
_region.Drag(handle, x, y);
4. Draw the ERegion components, respectively the area, the contour and the handles (for graphical manipulation purposes).
5. Compute the pixel average on the image, restricted to the domain of the ERegion.
EasyImage::PixelAverage(&_image, *_region, average);