

Required licenses


Recommended images

The images from the folder Sample Images\3D\Easy3DMatch\E3DMatchPointCloudMerger


[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\3D Processing\Easy3DMatchPointCloudMerger


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Merge several point clouds by using a calibration procedure with a specific object.

Code highlights

Use the recommended images:

Calibration: the 4 calibration_* files.
Sample: either the 4 object2_* or the 4 shoe_* files.
1. Calibrate the merger from the calibration clouds.
You must indicate the size of the calibration cube in the clouds.
A calibration error is retrieved.
float error = merger_.Calibrate(calibrationClouds_, cubeSize, true);
2. Merge the calibration clouds in a single cloud representing the calibration object.
This is optional and it is done in the sample program for visualization purposes.
merger_.Merge(calibrationClouds_, mergedCalibration_);
3. Merge the sample clouds in a single cloud representing the sample object.
merger_.Merge(sampleClouds_, mergedSamples_);